response.setContentType of function and MIME parameters

  • 2020-05-17 06:08:35
  • OfStack

The function of response.setContentType (MIME) is to enable the client browser to distinguish between different kinds of data and to process the corresponding data according to the different MIME calling different program embedded modules in the browser.

For example, the web browser determines that a file is an GIF image based on the MIME type. The json string is handled by the MIME type.
Tomcat installation directory \conf\ web.xml defines a large number of MIME types for reference.
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); html
setContentType (" text/plain; charset = utf - 8 "); The text
text/javascript json data
application/xml xml data

This method sets the content type of the response to be sent to the client before it is committed. The given content type can include character encoding instructions, such as: text/html; charset= UTF-8. If this method is called before the getWriter() method is called, the character encoding of the response will be set only from the given content type. This method will not set the character encoding for the response if it is called after the getWriter() method has been called or after it has been committed. In the case of the http protocol, this method sets the Content-type entity header.

1. In Servlet, it is customary to first set the content type and encoding of the request and response:
response.setContentType() the String Parameter and corresponding type  
<option value="image/bmp">BMP</option> 
<option value="image/gif">GIF</option> 
<option value="image/jpeg">JPEG</option> 
<option value="image/tiff">TIFF</option> 
<option value="image/x-dcx">DCX</option> 
<option value="image/x-pcx">PCX</option> 
<option value="text/html">HTML</option> 
<option value="text/plain">TXT</option> 
<option value="text/xml">XML</option> 
<option value="application/afp">AFP</option> 
<option value="application/pdf">PDF</option> 
<option value="application/rtf">RTF</option> 
<option value="application/msword">MSWORD</option> 
<option value="application/">MSEXCEL</option> 
<option value="application/">MSPOWERPOINT</option> 
<option value="application/wordperfect5.1">WORDPERFECT</option> 
<option value="application/vnd.lotus-wordpro">WORDPRO</option> 
<option value="application/vnd.visio">VISIO</option> 
<option value="application/vnd.framemaker">FRAMEMAKER</option> 
<option value="application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3">LOTUS123</option> 

The MIME mapping strategy is which application (that is, the plug-in) to use in a web page and which file to open. There is also the issue of access rights. For example, for PDF documents, use the "application/pdf" policy. This is common in dynamic web pages. There are two situations in which this phenomenon occurs: 1. If an application is used to open a document that cannot be opened, for example, if "DWG" is defined in the tag and "application/pdf" is used, the problem will arise. 2 is the file extension meets the requirements, but the file content (format) does not meet the requirements. You can check the source code of the page you are browsing for error messages. Check by looking at the source file. Look for strings like "application/pdf" to see if the file you want to open matches the application. It is usually up to the web page writer to change how the query is resolved if it does not match the answer. For example, you can find the HTML tag of the file you want to open in the source file and add the application to it. For example, if you want to open an PDF document on a web page, go to the PDF document line 1 and add type= "application/pdf" in the HTML TAB. For example, the following HTML files: < ! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- test MIME -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - > < html > < head > < title > Test MIME < /title > < /head > < body > < a type="application/pdf" href="test.pdf" > Test MIME < /a > < /body > < /html saves the above code as test.html, and stores an pdf document in the same location. Double-clicking on it will open the document in the web page.
Parameter description for response.setContentType ()
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=GBK"> 
response.setContentType() ; 
* = application/octet-stream 
.001 = application/x-001 
.301 = application/x-301 
.323 = text/h323 
.906 = application/x-906 
.907 = drawing/907 
.a11 = application/x-a11 
.acp = audio/x-mei-aac 
.ai = application/postscript 
.aif = audio/aiff 
.aifc = audio/aiff 
.aiff = audio/aiff 
.anv = application/x-anv 
.asa = text/asa 
.asf = video/x-ms-asf 
.asp = text/asp 
.asx = video/x-ms-asf 
.au = audio/basic 
.avi = video/avi 
.awf = application/vnd.adobe.workflow 
.biz = text/xml 
.bmp = application/x-bmp 
.bot = application/x-bot 
.c4t = application/x-c4t 
.c90 = application/x-c90 
.cal = application/x-cals 
.cat = application/ 
.cdf = application/x-netcdf 
.cdr = application/x-cdr 
.cel = application/x-cel 
.cer = application/x-x509-ca-cert 
.cg4 = application/x-g4 
.cgm = application/x-cgm 
.cit = application/x-cit 
.class = java/* 
.cml = text/xml : Client browser press XML Format the document for parsing  
.cmp = application/x-cmp 
.cmx = application/x-cmx 
.cot = application/x-cot 
.crl = application/pkix-crl 
.crt = application/x-x509-ca-cert 
.csi = application/x-csi 
.css = text/css : Client browser press CSS Format the document for parsing  
.cut = application/x-cut 
.dbf = application/x-dbf 
.dbm = application/x-dbm 
.dbx = application/x-dbx 
.dcd = text/xml : Client browser press XML Format the document for parsing  
.dcx = application/x-dcx 
.der = application/x-x509-ca-cert 
.dgn = application/x-dgn 
.dib = application/x-dib 
.dll = application/x-msdownload 
.doc = application/msword 
.dot = application/msword 
.drw = application/x-drw 
.dtd = text/xml : Client browser press XML Format the document for parsing  
.dwf = Model/vnd.dwf 
.dwf = application/x-dwf 
.dwg = application/x-dwg 
.dxb = application/x-dxb 
.dxf = application/x-dxf 
.edn = application/vnd.adobe.edn 
.emf = application/x-emf 
.eml = message/rfc822 
.ent = text/xml : Client browser press XML Format the document for parsing  
.epi = application/x-epi 
.eps = application/x-ps 
.eps = application/postscript 
.etd = application/x-ebx 
.exe = application/x-msdownload 
.fax = image/fax 
.fdf = application/vnd.fdf 
.fif = application/fractals 
.fo = text/xml : Client browser press XML Format the document for parsing  
.frm = application/x-frm 
.g4 = application/x-g4 
.gbr = application/x-gbr 
.gcd = application/x-gcd 
.gif = image/gif 
.gl2 = application/x-gl2 
.gp4 = application/x-gp4 
.hgl = application/x-hgl 
.hmr = application/x-hmr 
.hpg = application/x-hpgl 
.hpl = application/x-hpl 
.hqx = application/mac-binhex40 
.hrf = application/x-hrf 
.hta = application/hta 
.htc = text/x-component 
.htm = text/html : The client browser parses the document in a hypertext format  
.html = text/html : The client browser parses the document in a hypertext format  
.htt = text/webviewhtml 
.htx = text/html : The client browser parses the document in a hypertext format  
.icb = application/x-icb 
.ico = image/x-icon 
.ico = application/x-ico 
.iff = application/x-iff 
.ig4 = application/x-g4 
.igs = application/x-igs 
.iii = application/x-iphone 
.img = application/x-img 
.ins = application/x-internet-signup 
.isp = application/x-internet-signup 
.IVF = video/x-ivf 
.java = java/* 
.jfif = image/jpeg 
.jpe = image/jpeg 
.jpe = application/x-jpe 
.jpeg = image/jpeg 
.jpg = image/jpeg 
.jpg = application/x-jpg 
.js = application/x-javascript 
.jsp = text/html : The client browser parses the document in a hypertext format  
.la1 = audio/x-liquid-file 
.lar = application/x-laplayer-reg 
.latex = application/x-latex 
.lavs = audio/x-liquid-secure 
.lbm = application/x-lbm 
.lmsff = audio/x-la-lms 
.ls = application/x-javascript 
.ltr = application/x-ltr 
.m1v = video/x-mpeg 
.m2v = video/x-mpeg 
.m3u = audio/mpegurl 
.m4e = video/mpeg4 
.mac = application/x-mac 
.man = application/x-troff-man 
.math = text/xml 
.mdb = application/msaccess 
.mdb = application/x-mdb 
.mfp = application/x-shockwave-flash 
.mht = message/rfc822 
.mhtml = message/rfc822 
.mi = application/x-mi 
.mid = audio/mid 
.midi = audio/mid 
.mil = application/x-mil 
.mml = text/xml 
.mnd = audio/x-musicnet-download 
.mns = audio/x-musicnet-stream 
.mocha = application/x-javascript 
.movie = video/x-sgi-movie 
.mp1 = audio/mp1 
.mp2 = audio/mp2 
.mp2v = video/mpeg 
.mp3 = audio/mp3 
.mp4 = video/mpeg4 
.mpa = video/x-mpg 
.mpd = application/ 
.mpe = video/x-mpeg 
.mpeg = video/mpg 
.mpg = video/mpg 
.mpga = audio/rn-mpeg 
.mpp = application/ 
.mps = video/x-mpeg 
.mpt = application/ 
.mpv = video/mpg 
.mpv2 = video/mpeg 
.mpw = application/ 
.mpx = application/ 
.mtx = text/xml 
.mxp = application/x-mmxp 
.net = image/pnetvue 
.nrf = application/x-nrf 
.nws = message/rfc822 
.odc = text/x-ms-odc 
.out = application/x-out 
.p10 = application/pkcs10 
.p12 = application/x-pkcs12 
.p7b = application/x-pkcs7-certificates 
.p7c = application/pkcs7-mime 
.p7m = application/pkcs7-mime 
.p7r = application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp 
.p7s = application/pkcs7-signature 
.pc5 = application/x-pc5 
.pci = application/x-pci 
.pcl = application/x-pcl 
.pcx = application/x-pcx 
.pdf = application/pdf : Client browser press PDF Format the document for parsing  
.pdf = application/pdf 
.pdx = application/vnd.adobe.pdx 
.pfx = application/x-pkcs12 
.pgl = application/x-pgl 
.pic = application/x-pic 
.pko = application/ 
.pl = application/x-perl 
.plg = text/html 
.pls = audio/scpls 
.plt = application/x-plt 
.png = image/png 
.png = application/x-png 
.pot = application/ 
.ppa = application/ 
.ppm = application/x-ppm 
.pps = application/ 
.ppt = application/ 
.ppt = application/x-ppt 
.pr = application/x-pr 
.prf = application/pics-rules 
.prn = application/x-prn 
.prt = application/x-prt 
.ps = application/x-ps 
.ps = application/postscript 
.ptn = application/x-ptn 
.pwz = application/ 
.r3t = text/vnd.rn-realtext3d 
.ra = audio/vnd.rn-realaudio 
.ram = audio/x-pn-realaudio 
.ras = application/x-ras 
.rat = application/rat-file 
.rdf = text/xml 
.rec = application/vnd.rn-recording 
.red = application/x-red 
.rgb = application/x-rgb 
.rjs = application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs 
.rjt = application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt 
.rlc = application/x-rlc 
.rle = application/x-rle 
.rm = application/vnd.rn-realmedia 
.rmf = application/vnd.adobe.rmf 
.rmi = audio/mid 
.rmj = application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj 
.rmm = audio/x-pn-realaudio 
.rmp = application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package 
.rms = application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure 
.rmvb = application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr 
.rmx = application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx 
.rnx = application/vnd.rn-realplayer 
.rp = image/vnd.rn-realpix 
.rpm = audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin 
.rsml = application/vnd.rn-rsml 
.rt = text/vnd.rn-realtext 
.rtf = application/msword 
.rtf = application/x-rtf 
.rv = video/vnd.rn-realvideo 
.sam = application/x-sam 
.sat = application/x-sat 
.sdp = application/sdp 
.sdw = application/x-sdw 
.sit = application/x-stuffit 
.slb = application/x-slb 
.sld = application/x-sld 
.slk = drawing/x-slk 
.smi = application/smil 
.smil = application/smil 
.smk = application/x-smk 
.snd = audio/basic 
.sol = text/plain 
.sor = text/plain 
.spc = application/x-pkcs7-certificates 
.spl = application/futuresplash 
.spp = text/xml 
.ssm = application/streamingmedia 
.sst = application/ 
.stl = application/ 
.stm = text/html 
.sty = application/x-sty 
.svg = text/xml 
.swf = application/x-shockwave-flash : Client browser press  Flash  Format the document for parsing  
.tdf = application/x-tdf 
.tg4 = application/x-tg4 
.tga = application/x-tga 
.tif = image/tiff 
.tif = application/x-tif 
.tiff = image/tiff 
.tld = text/xml 
.top = drawing/x-top 
.torrent = application/x-bittorrent 
.tsd = text/xml 
.txt = text/plain : Client browser press   Plain text   Format the document for parsing  
.uin = application/x-icq 
.uls = text/iuls 
.vcf = text/x-vcard 
.vda = application/x-vda 
.vdx = application/vnd.visio 
.vml = text/xml 
.vpg = application/x-vpeg005 
.vsd = application/vnd.visio 
.vsd = application/x-vsd 
.vss = application/vnd.visio 
.vst = application/vnd.visio 
.vst = application/x-vst 
.vsw = application/vnd.visio 
.vsx = application/vnd.visio 
.vtx = application/vnd.visio 
.vxml = text/xml 
.wav = audio/wav 
.wax = audio/x-ms-wax 
.wb1 = application/x-wb1 
.wb2 = application/x-wb2 
.wb3 = application/x-wb3 
.wbmp = image/vnd.wap.wbmp 
.wiz = application/msword 
.wk3 = application/x-wk3 
.wk4 = application/x-wk4 
.wkq = application/x-wkq 
.wks = application/x-wks 
.wm = video/x-ms-wm 
.wma = audio/x-ms-wma 
.wmd = application/x-ms-wmd 
.wmf = application/x-wmf 
.wml = text/vnd.wap.wml 
.wmv = video/x-ms-wmv 
.wmx = video/x-ms-wmx 
.wmz = application/x-ms-wmz 
.wp6 = application/x-wp6 
.wpd = application/x-wpd 
.wpg = application/x-wpg 
.wpl = application/ 
.wq1 = application/x-wq1 
.wr1 = application/x-wr1 
.wri = application/x-wri 
.wrk = application/x-wrk 
.ws = application/x-ws 
.ws2 = application/x-ws 
.wsc = text/scriptlet 
.wsdl = text/xml 
.wvx = video/x-ms-wvx 
.xdp = application/vnd.adobe.xdp 
.xdr = text/xml 
.xfd = application/vnd.adobe.xfd 
.xfdf = application/vnd.adobe.xfdf 
.xhtml = text/html 
.xls = application/ 
.xls = application/x-xls 
.xlw = application/x-xlw 
.xml = text/xml 
.xpl = audio/scpls 
.xq = text/xml 
.xql = text/xml 
.xquery = text/xml 
.xsd = text/xml 
.xsl = text/xml 
.xslt = text/xml 
.xwd = application/x-xwd 
.x_b = application/x-x_b 
.x_t = application/x-x_t 

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