struts2 spring integrates fieldError problems

  • 2020-05-10 18:37:46
  • OfStack


Using the validation framework, after the validation failure of the jsp page for 1 time, it cannot jump to except page regardless of whether the re-entry is correct or not.

The reason:

When spring creates action objects, the default is the singleton mode (singleton). By singleton, spring generates only one object for each IOC container. However, in my verification, I did not request the submission for a single time, but used an action object, so all the error messages were saved into map (fieldError information) and not cleared.


So in order to clear the error message from map for each request, I need to recreate an object for each request that USES action. The bean corresponding to action should be configured with the scope="prototype" in the applicationContext-*.xml file. This will accomplish the purpose. The problem is solved.

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