Instance code of mutual conversion between time and timestamp in iOS

  • 2021-11-13 02:57:34
  • OfStack

I searched a lot about iOS time and timestamp of the mutual transformation of information, I will record 1 below, there is a need to understand iOS time and timestamp of the mutual transformation of friends can refer to. I hope this article will be helpful to you.

// Gets the timestamp of the current system time 

#pragma mark -  Object for the current time   Time stamp 


 NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

 [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];

 [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];

 [formatter setDateFormat:@"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]; // ---------- Set the format you want ,hh And HH Difference between : Representation separately 12 Hourly system ,24 Hourly system 

 // Setting Time Zone , This is sometimes very important for the processing of time 

 NSTimeZone* timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"Asia/Beijing"];

 [formatter setTimeZone:timeZone];

 NSDate *datenow = [NSDate date];// Now time 


 NSLog(@" Current time of the device :%@",[formatter stringFromDate:datenow]);

 // Time-to-time stamp method :


 NSInteger timeSp = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[datenow timeIntervalSince1970]] integerValue];


 NSLog(@" Current timestamp of the device :%ld",(long)timeSp); // The value of the timestamp 


 return timeSp;



// Convert a certain time into   Time stamp 

#pragma mark -  Convert a certain time into   Time stamp 

+(NSInteger)timeSwitchTimestamp:(NSString *)formatTime andFormatter:(NSString *)format{


 NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

 [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];

 [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];

 [formatter setDateFormat:format]; //(@"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") ---------- Set the format you want ,hh And HH Difference between : Representation separately 12 Hourly system ,24 Hourly system 


 NSTimeZone* timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"Asia/Beijing"];

 [formatter setTimeZone:timeZone];


 NSDate* date = [formatter dateFromString:formatTime]; //------------ Press the string formatter Turn into nsdate

 // Time-to-time stamp method :

 NSInteger timeSp = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[date timeIntervalSince1970]] integerValue];


 NSLog(@" Convert a certain time into   Time stamp &&&&&&&timeSp:%ld",(long)timeSp); // The value of the timestamp 


 return timeSp;



// Converts a timestamp to   Time 

#pragma mark -  Converts a timestamp to   Time 

+(NSString *)timestampSwitchTime:(NSInteger)timestamp andFormatter:(NSString *)format{


 NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

 [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];

 [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];

 [formatter setDateFormat:format]; //  ( @"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" ) ---------- Set the format you want ,hh And HH Difference between : Representation separately 12 Hourly system ,24 Hourly system 

 NSTimeZone *timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"Asia/Beijing"];

 [formatter setTimeZone:timeZone];

 NSDate *confromTimesp = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:timestamp];

 NSLog(@"1296035591 = %@",confromTimesp);


 NSString *confromTimespStr = [formatter stringFromDate:confromTimesp];


 //NSLog(@"&&&&&&&confromTimespStr = : %@",confromTimespStr);


 return confromTimespStr;


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