iOS10 ATS Configuration Details

  • 2021-07-24 11:51:11
  • OfStack

Thoughts on iOS10 ATS Configuration

ATS cannot restrict IP addresses

Assume that the api to be invoked is/foo/bar/doSth

If the server address is api. myserver. com, http://api. myserver. com/foo/bar/doSth will be blocked by ATS because it is not secure If the server address is 221.233. 20.115:9090, then http://221.233. 20.115: 9090/foo/bar/doSth will not be intercepted by ATS, even if it uses the http protocol This is also mentioned in my other translation article Apple Document Translation iOS10 NSAppTransportSecurity

The third party SDK also needs to abide by ATS rules

That is, the third party SDK also has the risk of being filtered by ATS. At present, it is known that:

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Configuration example

The following example is configured as follows:


Web View can load anything (NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent) myserver. com and all its subdomains (for example, api and picture servers) are accessible using an http connection myserver. com and all its subdomains can be accessed using an http connection. (Third party SDK is also subject to ATS rules, so you need to list all third party SDK domains that still use http requests and add them to exceptions.)


ATS Full Shutdown (NSAllowsArbitraryLoads)


Thank you for reading, hope to help everyone, thank you for your support to this site!

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