In iOS the initial position of the searchBar of search box cursor is moved back

  • 2020-10-07 18:53:47
  • OfStack

Without further ado, I will post the key code directly to you. The specific code is as follows:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface SearchBar : UITextField
@property (nonatomic,strong) UIButton *button;
+ (instancetype)searchBar;
#import "SearchBar.h"
@implementation SearchBar
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
self.placeholder = @"  Input variety keywords ";
// Sets the border and the border color 
self.layer.borderColor=[[UIColor colorWithRed:224/255.0 green:243/255.0 blue:223/255.0 alpha:1.0]CGColor];
self.layer.borderWidth= 2.0f;
UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 40, 30)];
[button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"seachBar_rightView"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setTitle:@" search " forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setTitleColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:119/255.0 green:166/255.0 blue:16/255.0 alpha:1.0] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
button.titleLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18.0];
button.titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:119/255.0 green:166/255.0 blue:16/255.0 alpha:1.0];
button.titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
self.rightView = button;
self.rightViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
// Set the cursor position here and move the cursor back 10
self.leftView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 0)];
self.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
return self;
+ (instancetype)searchBar
return [[self alloc] init];

Here's how to set the cursor position of the input box in iOS

// Set the cursor position here and move the cursor back 10
textField.leftView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 0)];
textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;

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