Objective C Classic Dictionary array sort Province

  • 2020-10-07 18:53:18
  • OfStack

1. First of all, prepare the document containing all the provinces and cities, and drag the document into the Xcode we have built

NSString *path = @" "; Then drag the provincial document to @" ";

The problem is how to load dictionaries into arrays and then arrays into dictionaries. So the key is how to nest each dictionary and array into its corresponding array and dictionary > The dictionary - > Array - > The dictionary - > An array of

First we will create an array of all provinces Then create a provincial dictionary (with an array of provincial names and cities) Create another city dictionary (again containing an array of city names and districts) Once the dictionary and array are set up, we just need to nest all the cities and districts into the corresponding array

4. After the above preparations are completed, we can start sorting the provinces and cities

  Produces the corresponding character based on the path               
tring *str = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; 
 Cut the string into an array  
NSArray *array = [str componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; 
  To establish 1 A large array of  
 NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array]; 
 for (NSString *str in array) { 
   Determines non-space characters , Find out the province  
   if (![str hasPrefix:@" "]) { 
  For each 1 A province name , create 1 A dictionary  
 NSMutableDictionary *proDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
  Put province names in the dictionary , And set the Key for PROVIN 
 [proDic setObject:str forKeyedSubscript:@"PROVIN"]; 
  create 1 An array , As a subordinate for the city  
 NSMutableArray *cityArray = [NSMutableArray array]; 
  Store the city array in the dictionary , Set up the key position CITYARRAY 
 [proDic setObject:cityArray forKeyedSubscript:@"CITYARRAY"]; 
 [mutableArray addObject:proDic]; 
  Find the city name  
 if ([str hasPrefix:@" "]&& ![str hasPrefix:@"  "]) { 
  Pull out the end of the array 1 An element , Represents the provincial dictionary to which the city belongs  
 NSDictionary *proDic = [mutableArray lastObject]; 
  Pull out the array reserved in the dictionary  
 NSMutableArray *cityArray = [proDic objectForKey:@"CITYARRAY"]; 
  For each 1 A city of , create 1 A dictionary  
 NSMutableDictionary *cityDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
  Put the city name in the dictionary  
 [cityDic setObject:str forKey:@"CITY"]; 
  Create an array for the subregion as a reserve  
 NSMutableArray *areaArray = [NSMutableArray array]; 
  In the dictionary  
 [cityDic setObject:areaArray forKey:@"AREAARRAY"]; 
  Store the city dictionary in an array  
 [cityArray addObject:cityDic]; 
   Find out the subordinate area  
   if ([str hasPrefix:@"  "]) { 
     Find the provincial dictionary to which you belong  
    NSDictionary *proDic = [mutableArray lastObject]; 
     Find the market array  
    NSMutableArray *cityArray = [proDic objectForKey:@"CITYARRAY"]; 
     Find the dictionary of the storage market  
    NSDictionary *cityDic = [cityArray lastObject]; 
    Find the number area in the middle of the dictionary  
    NSMutableArray *areaArray = [cityDic objectForKey:@"AREAARRAY"]; 
     Store the region name in an array  
     [areaArray addObject:str]; 
 for (NSDictionary *dic in mutableArray) { 
   NSLog(@"%@",[dic objectForKey:@"PROVIN"]); 
   for (NSDictionary *cityDic in [dic objectForKey:@"CITYARRAY"]) { 
     NSLog(@"%@",[cityDic objectForKey:@"CITY"]); 
    for (NSString *string in [cityDic objectForKey:@"AREAARRAY"]) { 

Above is the Objective-ES19en classic dictionary array sorting example code, thank you for your support for this site!

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