Realization of gobang prediction algorithm written by go

  • 2020-08-22 22:11:48
  • OfStack

Details please see Github: https: / / github com/shanhuijie/GoWatch/tree/master/fiveinarow

five in a row (5 pieces successfully predicted)

From the transverse, longitudinal, left oblique rise, left oblique fall four angles

  matrix = 50*50 
  point = 3 
  type Coordinat struct{
    x  int
    y  int

type Allinat struct{
  key   []Coordinat

func InArray(need Coordinat, needArr []Coordinat) bool {
  for _,v := range needArr{
    if need == v{
      return true
  return false

func inverted(tmp []int) bool {   // Check in reverse chronological order 
  var i int
  for k := len(tmp)-1; k>=0;k--{
    if k == 0{         // The last 1 I can't compare the subscripts 
      return false
    if tmp[k]-1 == tmp[k]{   // The explanatory value is a continuous number 
      if i == point{     // It returns if it reaches a consecutive number 
        return true
      return false
  return false

func postive(tmp []int) bool {   // Positive sequence check 
  var i int
  for ck, cv := range tmp {
    if ck == len(tmp)-1{    // The last 1 I can't compare the subscripts 
      return false
    if cv+1 == tmp[ck+1] {   // The explanatory value is a continuous number 
      if i == point{     // It returns if it reaches a consecutive number 
        return true
      return false
  return false

func Slope(inat *Allinat,coor Coordinat) bool {
  var (
    Xmax,Xmin int = coor.x+4,coor.x-4
    Ymax,Ymin int = coor.y+4,coor.y-4
    j,p   int
    lrise,lfall Coordinat
    //tmp []int
  if Xmin < 0 {
    Xmin = 0
  if Ymin < 0 {
    Ymin = 0
  for i:=Xmin; i<=Xmax; i++{
    Xmin = Xmin+1
    Ymin = Ymin+1
    lrise.x = Xmin
    lrise.y = Ymin
    if InArray(lrise,inat.key) {
      if j == point{
        return true

    if Ymin == Ymax {
  for ii := Xmax; ii>=Xmin; ii--{
    Xmax = Xmax-1
    Ymin = Ymin+1
    lfall.x = Xmax
    lfall.y = Ymin

    if InArray(lfall,inat.key) {
      if p == point{
        return true
    if Ymin == Ymax {
      return false
  return false


func lengthways(inat *Allinat,coor Coordinat) bool {
  var (
    max,min int = coor.x+4,coor.x-4
    tmp []int
  if min < 0 {
    min = 0
  for _,c := range inat.key{
    if (max >= c.x && c.y == coor.y) || (min >= c.x && c.y == coor.y){
      tmp = append(tmp,c.x)
  if (inverted(tmp) == true) || (postive(tmp) == true) {
    return true
  return false

func crosswise(inat *Allinat,coor Coordinat) bool {
  var (
    max,min int = coor.y+4,coor.y-4
    tmp []int
  for _,c := range inat.key{
    if (max >= c.y && c.x == coor.x) || (min >= c.y && c.x == coor.x){
      tmp = append(tmp,c.y)
  if (inverted(tmp) == true) || (postive(tmp) == true) {
    return true
  return false

func IsFive(inat *Allinat,coor Coordinat) bool {
  ok := crosswise(inat,coor)
  ok2 := lengthways(inat,coor)
  ok3 := Slope(inat,coor)
  if ok == true || ok2 == true || ok3 == true{
    return true
  return false

func (inat *Allinat)AddCoordinat(coor Coordinat){
  for _,coslice := range inat.key{
    if coslice == coor {
  c := IsFive(inat,coor)
  if c == false{   //not finish five
    inat.key = append(inat.key,coor)
    fmt.Println(" No connect ")
  fmt.Println(" The tent together point star ")


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