Example of a method that implements concurrent reads and writes to map

  • 2020-07-21 08:23:33
  • OfStack

When using global map in the case of Golang multiple coroutines, panic can occur if thread synchronization is not done.

To solve this problem, there are usually two ways:

The first is the most common method of using a mutex or read-write lock. The second method is more in line with the features of Golang. A single coroutine is started to read and write map. When other coroutines need to read and write map, a signal can be sent to this coroutine through channel.

A simulation program was written to read or write an item in map. The background 1 direct line coroutine blocked the read/write signal and operated on map, but did not have a good idea how to return this value during the read operation.

The first parameter is the read/write flag, and the second parameter is the channel of the value after the read/write success. In the definition of channel, the pointer to the structure is passed.

ps: Verify the efficiency under 1 later. Under the simple encapsulates the 1: https: / / www ofstack. com article / 157620. htm

package main

import (

type value struct {
 id int
 op int
 ret chan int
var dic map[int]int
var ch chan *value

func readAndWrite2Map() {
 for {
 case flag := <- ch:

  if flag.op > 0 {
  log.Printf("id: %v, op: %v, ret: %v", flag.id, flag.op, flag.op)
  dic[1] = flag.op
  flag.ret <- dic[1]
  } else if flag.op == 0 {
  log.Printf("id: %v, op: %v, ret: %v", flag.id, flag.op, dic[1])
  flag.ret <- dic[1]
  } else {

func out(flag, i, val int) {
 if flag == 0 {
 fmt.Println(strconv.Itoa(i) + "th goroutine read the value is ", val)
 } else {
 fmt.Println(strconv.Itoa(i)+"th goroutine write to the map ", val)

func main() {
 dic = make(map[int]int)
 ch = make(chan *value)
 dic[1] = -1
 go readAndWrite2Map()
 for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ {
 if (i % 2) == 0 {
  go func(i int) {
   var tmp value
   for {
   tmp.op = 0
   ch <- &tmp
   out(0, i, <-tmp.ret)

 } else {
  go func(i int) {
   var tmp value
   for {
   tmp.op = i
   ch <- &tmp
   out(1, i, <-tmp.ret)

 time.Sleep(time.Second * 60)

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