Go language realizes mutex random number time List

  • 2020-06-19 10:30:11
  • OfStack

Go language realizes mutex, random number, time, List

import (
  "math/rand" // note 2: Random number packages 
  "sync" // note 1: Packages for asynchronous tasks 

type INFO struct {
  lock sync.Mutex  // note 1 Asynchronous lock: 
  Name string
  Time int64

var List *list.List = list.New() // note 3 Initialization: List variable 

func main() {
  var Info INFO
  go func() {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
      time.Sleep(time.Duration(1e9 * int64(rand.Intn(5))))// note 2 Random number: rand.Intn(5)<---> 1e9 For scientific counting, 1 * 10 the 9 To the power 
      Info.lock.Lock()// note 1 Lock: 
      Info.Name = fmt.Sprint("Name", i) // Remark:  Sprint Format its parameters in the default format, concatenate all output generation and return 1 A string. If two adjacent arguments are not strings, a space is added between their output 
      Info.Time = time.Now().Unix() + 3
      Info.lock.Unlock()// note 1 : unlock 
      List.PushBack(Info)// note 3:List Expression call 
  go Getgoods()
  select {}
func Getgoods() {
  for {
    for List.Len() > 0 {// note 3:List Use of objects 
      N, T := List.Remove(List.Front()).(INFO).name() // note 3 : List Object usage and value.(type) The use of 
      now := time.Now().Unix() // note 4: Gets the timestamp after the current date conversion 
      if T-now <= 0 {
        fmt.Println(N, T, now)
      time.Sleep(time.Duration((T - now) * 1e9))
      fmt.Println(N, T, now)

func (i INFO) name() (string, int64) {
  return i.Name, i.Time

I'll share an example code of a mutex

package main
import (
var (
  counter int
  wg sync.WaitGroup
  mutex sync.Mutex
func main() {
  fmt.Println("Create Goroutines")
  go incCounter(1)
  go incCounter(2)
  fmt.Println("Waiting To Finish")
  fmt.Println("Final Counter:", counter)
func incCounter(id int) {
  defer wg.Done()
  for count := 0; count < 2; count++ {
      value := counter
      counter = value

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