Go development Struct conversion to map comparison of two ways

  • 2020-06-19 10:28:13
  • OfStack

Do Go development recently when exposed to a new framework gorose orm third party, in the process of use, found no similar beego directly to the operation of the structure of struct method, some API database via the map related operations, then we need to convert struct to map, below is I tried two different struct converts map method

mport (

type Persion struct {
  Id    int
  Name   string
  Address string
  Email  string
  School  string
  City   string
  Company string
  Age   int
  Sex   string
  Proviece string
  Com   string
  PostTo  string
  Buys   string
  Hos   string

func main() {

func StructToMapViaJson() {
  m := make(map[string]interface{})
  t := time.Now()
  person := Persion{
    Id:    98439,
    Name:   "zhaondifnei",
    Address: " Big sand ",
    Email:  "dashdisnin@126.com",
    School:  " Guangzhou first 105 Middle school ",
    City:   "zhongguoguanzhou",
    Company: "sndifneinsifnienisn",
    Age:   23,
    Sex:   "F",
    Proviece: "jianxi",
    Com:   " Guangzhou Lamborghini ",
    PostTo:  " The blue whale XXXXXXXX",
    Buys:   "shensinfienisnfieni",
    Hos:   "zhonsndifneisnidnfie",
  j, _ := json.Marshal(person)
  json.Unmarshal(j, &m)

1. Convert from struct to json, and from json to map

func StructToMapViaJson() {
  m := make(map[string]interface{})
  t := time.Now()
  person := Persion{
    Id:    98439,
    Name:   "zhaondifnei",
    Address: " Big sand ",
    Email:  "dashdisnin@126.com",
    School:  " Guangzhou first 105 Middle school ",
    City:   "zhongguoguanzhou",
    Company: "sndifneinsifnienisn",
    Age:   23,
    Sex:   "F",
    Proviece: "jianxi",
    Com:   " Guangzhou Lamborghini ",
    PostTo:  " The blue whale XXXXXXXX",
    Buys:   "shensinfienisnfieni",
    Hos:   "zhonsndifneisnidnfie",
  j, _ := json.Marshal(person)
  json.Unmarshal(j, &m)
  fmt.Printf("duration:%d", time.Now().Sub(t))

map[Proviece:jianxi Com: Guangzhou Lamborghini Hos:zhonsndifneisnidnfie Name:zhaondifnei sndifneinsifnienisn :shensinfienisnfieni Age:23 PostTo Address: Big sandy land School: Guangzhou No.105 Middle School City: F Id:98439 Email: dashdisnin@126.com]

2. Generate map by reflection

func StructToMapViaReflect() {
  m := make(map[string]interface{})
  t := time.Now()
  person := Persion{
    Id:    98439,
    Name:   "zhaondifnei",
    Address: " Big sand ",
    Email:  "dashdisnin@126.com",
    School:  " Guangzhou first 105 Middle school ",
    City:   "zhongguoguanzhou",
    Company: "sndifneinsifnienisn",
    Age:   23,
    Sex:   "F",
    Proviece: "jianxi",
    Com:   " Guangzhou Lamborghini ",
    PostTo:  " The blue whale XXXXXXXX",
    Buys:   "shensinfienisnfieni",
    Hos:   "zhonsndifneisnidnfie",
  elem := reflect.ValueOf(&person).Elem()
  relType := elem.Type()
  for i := 0; i < relType.NumField(); i++ {
    m[relType.Field(i).Name] = elem.Field(i).Interface()
  fmt.Printf("duration:%d", time.Now().Sub(t))

map[Buys:shensinfienisnfieni :zhaondifnei zhongguoguanzhou :F Proviece:jianxi: Guangzhou Lamborghini Es773en: es7439 School: Guangzhou No. 105 Middle School Age: 98sand ES7en :23 PostTo: Blue whale dashdisnin@126.com Company: sndifneinsifnienisn]


The comparison shows that the conversion by reflection is basically twice as large as the conversion by json.

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