How does Golang implement an example method for arbitrary base conversion

  • 2020-06-07 04:39:10
  • OfStack


Recently, I needed to write a short chain service because of my work. I used 10- > Base 62, I found a blog on the Internet that can convert up to 76 bits, now I will share it with you.

Data compression, lossless compression

Sample code:

package main

import (

var tenToAny map[int]string = map[int]string{0: "0", 1: "1", 2: "2", 3: "3", 4: "4", 5: "5", 6: "6", 7: "7", 8: "8", 9: "9", 10: "a", 11: "b", 12: "c", 13: "d", 14: "e", 15: "f", 16: "g", 17: "h", 18: "i", 19: "j", 20: "k", 21: "l", 22: "m", 23: "n", 24: "o", 25: "p", 26: "q", 27: "r", 28: "s", 29: "t", 30: "u", 31: "v", 32: "w", 33: "x", 34: "y", 35: "z", 36: ":", 37: ";", 38: "<", 39: "=", 40: ">", 41: "?", 42: "@", 43: "[", 44: "]", 45: "^", 46: "_", 47: "{", 48: "|", 49: "}", 50: "A", 51: "B", 52: "C", 53: "D", 54: "E", 55: "F", 56: "G", 57: "H", 58: "I", 59: "J", 60: "K", 61: "L", 62: "M", 63: "N", 64: "O", 65: "P", 66: "Q", 67: "R", 68: "S", 69: "T", 70: "U", 71: "V", 72: "W", 73: "X", 74: "Y", 75: "Z"}

func main() {
 fmt.Println(decimalToAny(9999, 76))
 fmt.Println(anyToDecimal("1F[", 76))

// 10 Base to any base 
func decimalToAny(num, n int) string {
 new_num_str := ""
 var remainder int
 var remainder_string string
 for num != 0 {
  remainder = num % n
  if 76 > remainder && remainder > 9 {
   remainder_string = tenToAny[remainder]
  } else {
   remainder_string = strconv.Itoa(remainder)
  new_num_str = remainder_string + new_num_str
  num = num / n
 return new_num_str

// map According to the value Looking for a key
func findkey(in string) int {
 result := -1
 for k, v := range tenToAny {
  if in == v {
   result = k
 return result

//  Any base conversion 10 Into the system 
func anyToDecimal(num string, n int) int {
 var new_num float64
 new_num = 0.0
 nNum := len(strings.Split(num, "")) - 1
 for _, value := range strings.Split(num, "") {
  tmp := float64(findkey(value))
  if tmp != -1 {
   new_num = new_num + tmp*math.Pow(float64(n), float64(nNum))
   nNum = nNum - 1
  } else {
 return int(new_num)


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