Example analysis of Go multivalued substitution templates

  • 2020-05-19 05:00:19
  • OfStack

This article analyzes the use of HTML templates for multivalued substitution in the Go language. Share with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

There are two ways to provide mutable value substitution based on the HTML template. Appends an example of an array iteration.

Pass map to implement multi-value substitution

package main
import (
func main() {
 t, _ := template.New("demo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.Username}}! Main Page: [{{.MainPage}}]{{end}}`)
 args1 := map[string]string {"Username": "Hypermind", "MainPage": "http://hypermind.com.cn/go"}
 _ = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", args1)

Pass in a custom structure to implement multivalue substitution

package main
import (
type Info struct{
 Username string
 MainPage string
func main() {
 t, _ := template.New("demo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.Username}}! Main Page: [{{.MainPage}}]{{end}}`)
 args2 := Info{Username: "Hypermind", MainPage: "http://hypermind.com.cn/go"}
 _ = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", args2)

Iterative display of a 2-dimensional array

package main
import (
type Matrix struct {
 Array [9][9]int
func main() {
 tmpl, _ := template.New("example").Parse(`
        {{ $a := .Array }}
        {{ range $a }}{{ $elem := . }}|{{ range $elem }}{{ printf "%d" . }}{{ end}}|
 tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, matrix)

I hope this article has been helpful to your programming of Go language.

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