C Implementation Inserts Picture Instance Code in listview

  • 2021-12-09 09:49:23
  • OfStack

C # Realizes Inserting Picture Instance Code in listview

Step 1: Drag ListView and imageList controls into the form;

Step 2: Set the Images property of the imageList control and add the picture you want;

Step 3: Set the SmallImageList, LargeImageList, StateImageList properties of the ListView control to imageList;

Step 4: Edit the ImageIndex behavior of the ListView control item and you will find that the image is displayed successfully!

Attachment: Code for adding options to ListView controls

  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


      if (textBox1.Text == "")


        MessageBox.Show(" Added content cannot be empty ");

        textBox1.Focus(); // Get the focus 





        if (listView1.Items.Count > 0) // Determine whether there are items in the list box 


          // Loop to compare whether there are duplicates, and abandon adding if there are duplicates 

          for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Items.Count; i++)


            if (string.Compare(listView1.Items[i].Text.ToString(), textBox1.Text) == 0)


              MessageBox.Show(" Items are duplicate and cannot be added! ");

              textBox1.Text = ""; // Empty the text box 






          textBox1.Text = "";




          listView1.Items.Add(textBox1.Text.ToString()); // Add data from a text box to a list box 

          textBox1.Text = "";





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