js Event Model and Custom Event Instance Analysis

  • 2021-11-24 02:43:16
  • OfStack

JavaScript 1 is the simplest event model, which requires event binding and triggering, as well as event deletion.

var eventModel = {
 list: {},
 bind: function () {
 var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
 type = args[0],
 handlers = args.slice(1);
 if (typeof type === 'string' && handlers.length > 0) {
  for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
  if (typeof handlers[i] === 'function') {
   if (!this.list[type]) {
   this.list[type] = [];
 unbind: function () {
 var type = arguments[0],
 handlers = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
 if (typeof type === 'string') {
  if (handlers.length === 0) {
  this.list[type] = [];
  } else {
  for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
   if (typeof handlers[i] === 'function' && handlers[i] === this.list[type][i]) {
   this.list[type].splice(i, 1);
 trigger: function () {
 var arguments = [].slice.call(arguments),
 type = arguments[0],
 args = arguments[1] instanceof Array && !arguments[2] ? arguments[1] : arguments.slice(1),
 handlers = this.list[type];
 for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
  handlers[i].apply(this, args.splice(0, handlers[i].length));

It mainly implements bind (binding event), unbind (deleting event) and trigger (triggering event). For the same 1 event name, multiple event handlers can be bound; And trigger in turn according to the binding order.

args. splice (0, handlers [i]. length)

Event binding and triggering:

eventModel.bind('myevent1', function (a) {
 console.log(a); // 1
}, function(b) {
 console.log(b); // 2
}, function(c, d) {
 console.log(c + ' + ' + d); // a + b
eventModel.bind('myevent1', function (e) {
 console.log(e); // 50
eventModel.trigger('myevent1', 1,2,'a','b', 50);

Event deletion:

<button id="bind">bind</button>
<button id="unbind">unbind</button>

var fnX = function () {
var fnY = function () {
eventModel.bind('myevent2', fnX, fnY);
document.getElementById('unbind').onclick = function () {
 eventModel.unbind('myevent2', fnX); // Delete  fnX  After that, there is only one left  fnY
document.getElementById('bind').onclick = function () {
 eventModel.trigger('myevent2'); // Output  fnX fnY
 // In the click unbind After, only output  fnY

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