DevExpress TreeList Common Problem Solutions

  • 2021-11-24 02:40:20
  • OfStack

1. How to add pictures to nodes? First, you need to add a picture control, then add a picture to it, and finally bind the node picture attribute of TreeList with the picture control. The code is as follows:

ImageList imagelist;
private void  Test window _Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
con.ConnectionString = sqlconstr; 
DataTable dt = new DataTable; 
dt.Columns.Add(" Process ");
treeList1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
treeList1.DataSource = dt; 
imagelist = new ImageList; 
imagelist.Images.Add(Image.FromFile(@"E:\ Picture material \2.jpg")); 
treeList1.SelectImageList = imagelist; 
treeList1.Nodes[0].ImageIndex = 0;

2. How do I set the background color to transparent?

treeList1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; 
treeList1.Appearance.Empty.BackColor = Color.Transparent; 
treeList1.Appearance.Row.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

3. How do I expand the current node and parent node?

/// <summary>
///  Expand the current node and parent node 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_node">
public void ParentNodeExpend(TreeListNode _node)
  TreeListNode _cNode = _node;
  treeList1..Nodes.TreeList.FindNodeByID(_cNode.Id).Expanded = true;

4. How to set the display horizontal scroll bar?

public void TreeListHorzScroll(TreeList treeList)
treeList.OptionsView.AutoWidth = false;

Let's take a look at the solutions to DevExpress common problems


1. lookAndFeel.

2. OptionsView's AllowHotTrack "Put the mouse on to change color" and DrawItemBorders "Whether the control border is displayed"

3. BeginInvoke (new MethodInvoker (delegate {textEdit1.Focus ()}); "Getting the Focus"

4. layoutControl1.OptionsItemText.TextAlignMode=AlignInLayoutControl. (After setting the drag-and-drop control, the control automatically adjusts to the original content) View the picture



1. Attribute IndicatorWidth, set the left-most column width of GirdView "automatically generate columns, which have nothing to do with bound data columns".

2. Disable sorting per column, this. gridView1.OptionsCustomization. AllowSort = false;



1. Disable sorting for each column and set OptionsColumn. AllowSort = false for each column, which can be seen in each column of Run Designer;


1. Disable mouse scrolling.

dateEdit1.Spin += new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SpinEventHandler(dateEdit1_Spin);
     void dateEdit1_Spin(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SpinEventArgs e)
      e.Handled = true;

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