Summary of C decimal point formatting usage

  • 2021-11-02 02:01:15
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the use of C # decimal point formatting. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1. ToString () method

double d=12345678.2334;
Console.WriteLine(d.ToString("F2")); //1234.23
Console.WriteLine(d.ToString("###,###.00")); //12,345,678.23

2. Math. Round () method

Math.Round(3.44, 1); //Returns 3.4.
Math.Round(3.45, 1); //Returns 3.4.
Math.Round(3.46, 1); //Returns 3.5.
Math.Round(3.445, 1); //Returns 3.4.
Math.Round(3.455, 1); //Returns 3.5.
Math.Round(3.465, 1); //Returns 3.5.
Math.Round(3.450, 1); //Returns 3.4.( Complement 0 Is invalid )
Math.Round(3.4452, 2); //Returns 3.45.
Math.Round(3.4552, 2); //Returns 3.46.
Math.Round(3.4652, 2); //Returns 3.47.

"4 houses 6 into 5, after 5, if it is not zero, it will enter 1, after 5, it will look at odd and even, before 5, it should be given up, and before 5, it will enter 1."

The formula of one point shorter is called "4 houses, 6 entrances, 5 couples"

3. double. Parse () method

double d=1.12345;
d=double.Parse(d.ToString("0.00")); //1.12

4. Output percent sign

System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo provider = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
provider.PercentDecimalDigits = 2;// How many decimal places are reserved .
provider.PercentPositivePattern = 1;// Where does the percent sign appear .
double result = (double)1 / 3;//1 Be sure to use double Type .
Console.WriteLine(result.ToString("P", provider)); //33.33%
// Or 

5. String. Format () method

string str1 = String.Format("{0:N1}",56789); //result: 56,789.0
string str2 = String.Format("{0:N2}",56789); //result: 56,789.00
string str3 = String.Format("{0:N3}",56789); //result: 56,789.000
string str8 = String.Format("{0:F1}",56789); //result: 56789.0
string str9 = String.Format("{0:F2}",56789); //result: 56789.00
string str11 =(56789 / 100.0).ToString("#.##"); //result: 567.89
string str12 =(56789 / 100).ToString("#.##"); //result: 567

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I hope this article is helpful to everyone's C # programming.

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