Explanation of C opening and closing executable files

  • 2021-08-31 08:55:10
  • OfStack

Step 1 Open the program

First, introduce the System. Diagnostics. Process classes: used to start and stop processes.

Process pr = new Process();// Declaration 1 Process class objects 
   pr.StartInfo.FileName = "E://Program Files//Tencent//QQ//QQ.exe";// Specify the program to run, my QQ Gets or sets the physical path of the. 
   pr.Start();// Run QQ

It can also be simple: Start (), the static method of Process;

Process.Start(String fileName);(+4 Heavy load ) //filiName  Is the name of the program you want to run, is the physical path 
Process.Start(String fileName,string arguments)//filiName  Is the name of the program you want to run, is the physical path ;arguments Command line parameters passed when starting the modification program 

2. Take QQ just now as an example to explain

Process[] proc = Process.GetProcessesByName("QQ");// Create 1 An array of processes, associating resources related to this process. 
   for (int i = 0; i < proc.Length; i++)
    proc[i].Kill(); // End the process one by one .


Process[] p_arry = Process.GetProcesses();// Get all the processes in the system 
   for (int i = 0; i < p_arry.Length; i++)// Traverse each process 
    if (p_arry[i].ProcessName == "QQ")// Found a name called QQ The process of 
     p_arry[i].Kill();// Just end it. 
   System.GC.Collect();// Garbage collection 

This method is a little resource-consuming, and there is no if judgment on all kill, you can try to use it.
3. Procedures

using System;
class test
static void Main()

// Declaration 1 Program information classes 
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo Info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();

// Set the external program name 
Info.FileName = "notepad.exe";

// Set the startup parameters (command line parameters) of external programs to test.txt
Info.Arguments = "test.txt";

// Set the external program working directory to  C:\
Info.WorkingDirectory = "C:\\";

// Declaration 1 Program classes 
System.Diagnostics.Process Proc ;

// Start an external program 
Proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Info);
catch(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(" The system cannot find the specified program file. \r{0}", e);

// Print out the starting execution time of the external program 
Console.WriteLine(" Start execution time of external program: {0}", Proc.StartTime);

// Wait 3 Seconds 

// Forcibly terminate this external program if it does not end running 
if(Proc.HasExited == false)
Console.WriteLine(" The main program forcibly terminates the operation of external programs! ");
Console.WriteLine(" Exit normally by external program! ");
Console.WriteLine(" End runtime of external program: {0}", Proc.ExitTime);
Console.WriteLine(" The return value of the external program at the end of the run: {0}", Proc.ExitCode);

To open and close the QQ application for example to learn, to help you better learn C # implementation of open and close the executable method, I hope to help you learn.

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