Common Matching of C Regular Expression Class Regex

  • 2021-08-31 08:52:44
  • OfStack

Using the Regex class requires a reference to the namespace: using System. Text. RegularExpressions;

Using Regex class to realize verification

Example 1: The annotated code serves the same purpose, except that one is a static method and one is an instance method

var source = " What did Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Sun Quan ask ";
//Regex regex = new Regex(" Sun Quan ");
//if (regex.IsMatch(source))
// Console.WriteLine(" String contains sensitive words : Sun Quan! ");
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, " Sun Quan ")) 
    Console.WriteLine(" String contains sensitive words : Sun Quan! ");

Example 2: Using a constructor with two parameters, the second parameter indicates ignoring case, which is very common

var source = "123abc345DEf";
Regex regex = new Regex("def",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (regex.IsMatch(source))
    Console.WriteLine(" String contains sensitive words :def ! ");

Use the Regex class for replacement

Example 1: Simple case

var source = "123abc456ABC789";
//  Static method 
//var newSource=Regex.Replace(source,"abc","|",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
//  Instance method 
Regex regex = new Regex("abc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var newSource = regex.Replace(source, "|");
Console.WriteLine(" Original string: "+source);
Console.WriteLine(" Replaced string: " + newSource);


Original String: 123abc456ABC789

Replaced string: 123456789

Example 2: Replace the matching option with the html code, we use the MatchEvaluator delegate

var source = "123abc456ABCD789"; 
Regex regex = new Regex("[A-Z]{3}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var newSource = regex.Replace(source,new MatchEvaluator(OutPutMatch));
Console.WriteLine(" Original string: "+source);
Console.WriteLine(" Replaced string: " + newSource);

 // Soft City 

private static string OutPutMatch(Match match)
    return "<b>" +match.Value+ "</b>";


Original String: 123abc456ABCD789

Replaced string: 123 < b > abc < /b > 456 < b > ABC < /b > D789

C # Regular Expression Regex Common Matches

Online test:

#region  ID card number regular expression 
// He asked 

  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter 1 ID number ");
  string id = Console.ReadLine();
  bool b4 = Regex.IsMatch(id, @"^\d{15}|\d{18}$");
  bool b5 = Regex.IsMatch(id, @"^(\d{15}|\d{18})$");


#region  Match phone number 

  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter a phone number ");
  string phone = Console.ReadLine();
  bool b = Regex.IsMatch(phone, @"^((\d{3,4}\-\d?{7,8})|(\d{5}))$");


#region  Matching email Adj. regex


  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter Email Address ");
  string email = Console.ReadLine();
  bool bhvt = Regex.IsMatch(email, @"^\w+@\w+\.\w+$");


#region  Matching ip Address regex

  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter 1 A IP Address ");
  string ip = Console.ReadLine();
  bool bkly = Regex.IsMatch(ip, @"^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$");


#region  Matching date is legal regex
// He asked 

  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter 1 Date ");
  string date = Console.ReadLine();
  bool bhovertree = Regex.IsMatch(date, @"^\d{4}\-\d{1,2}\-\d{1,2}$");


#region  Matching url Address regex

  Console.WriteLine(" Please enter url Address ");
  string url = Console.ReadLine();
  bool bkeleyi = Regex.IsMatch(url, @"^[a-zA-Z]+://.+$");


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