C Explicitly Implements Methods for Interface Members

  • 2021-07-03 00:46:57
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how C # explicitly implements interface members. Share it for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

// explicit1.cs
interface IDimensions 
  float Length();
  float Width();
class Box : IDimensions 
  float lengthInches;
  float widthInches;
  public Box(float length, float width) 
   lengthInches = length;
   widthInches = width;
  //  Explicit interface member implementation: 
  float IDimensions.Length() 
   return lengthInches;
  //  Explicit interface member implementation: 
  float IDimensions.Width() 
   return widthInches;   
  public static void Main() 
   //  Declare class instances " myBox ": 
   Box myBox = new Box(30.0f, 20.0f);
   //  Declare an interface instance " myDimensions ": 
   IDimensions myDimensions = (IDimensions) myBox;
   //  Print out the size of the box: 
   /*  The following comment lines produce a compilation  
      Error, because these lines attempt to access the explicitly implemented 
      Interface members:           */
   //System.Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", myBox.Length());
   //System.Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", myBox.Width());
   /*  Invoke a method from an instance of an interface, 
      To print out the size of the box:              */
   System.Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", myDimensions.Length());
   System.Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", myDimensions.Width());

Code 2:

// explicit2.cs
//  Declare the English unit interface: 
interface IEnglishDimensions
  float Length();
  float Width();
//  Declare the metric unit interface: 
interface IMetricDimensions
  float Length();
  float Width();
//  Object that implements the following two interfaces Box "Category: 
// IEnglishDimensions  And  IMetricDimensions : 
class Box : IEnglishDimensions, IMetricDimensions
  float lengthInches;
  float widthInches;
  public Box(float length, float width)
   lengthInches = length;
   widthInches = width;
//  Explicit implementation  IEnglishDimensions  Members of: 
  float IEnglishDimensions.Length()
   return lengthInches;
  float IEnglishDimensions.Width()
   return widthInches;   
//  Explicit implementation  IMetricDimensions  Members of: 
  float IMetricDimensions.Length()
   return lengthInches * 2.54f;
  float IMetricDimensions.Width()
   return widthInches * 2.54f;
  public static void Main()
   //  Declare class instances " myBox ": 
   Box myBox = new Box(30.0f, 20.0f);
   //  Declare an instance of an English unit interface: 
   IEnglishDimensions eDimensions = (IEnglishDimensions) myBox;
   //  Declare an instance of the metric unit interface: 
   IMetricDimensions mDimensions = (IMetricDimensions) myBox;
   //  Print dimensions in English units: 
   System.Console.WriteLine("Length(in): {0}", eDimensions.Length());
   System.Console.WriteLine("Width (in): {0}", eDimensions.Width());
   //  Print dimensions in metric units: 
   System.Console.WriteLine("Length(cm): {0}", mDimensions.Length());
   System.Console.WriteLine("Width (cm): {0}", mDimensions.Width());

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's C # programming.

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