C Multithreaded Processing Method for Multiple Queue Data

  • 2021-06-29 11:54:06
  • OfStack

This article provides an example of how C#multithreaded processes multiple queue data.Share it for your reference.The implementation is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ThredProcessQueue
  // Proxy method for presentation typing  
  public delegate void DelegateShowStateInfo(string state);
  /// <summary> 
  ///  Organizer  
  /// </summary> 
  public class QueueTester
   private static bool _Exit = false; // Is the program in progress  
   private static Form _OwnerForm; // Window  
   private static DelegateShowStateInfo _StateMethod;
   private static IList _Queue1 = new ArrayList(); //Queue1 Of  
   private static IList _Queue2 = new ArrayList(); //Queue2 Of  
   private static IList _Queue3 = new ArrayList(); //Queue3 Of  
   public static void StopThread()
     _Exit = true;
     _OwnerForm = null;
   public static void Testing(Form sender, DelegateShowStateInfo method)
     _StateMethod = method;
     _OwnerForm = sender;
     _Exit = false;
     ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Queue1Thread); // CHINA Queue1 Course  
     ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Queue2Thread); // CHINA Queue2 Course  
   // Main process used, along direction 1 Intermediate entry.  
   public static void MainTestThread(object state)
     Random R = new Random(1);
     double V = 0;
     while (_Exit == false)
      // stay while ( true ) 1 Read the data directly and place it in the queue1 Medium,  
      // At the same time if queue1 With data, threads 1 On  
      // Collateral , Collateral  
      V = R.NextDouble();
      _Queue1.Add(V); // Insert column 1 
      Thread.Sleep(100);// Generate too fast , See the effect clearly , Stop n Millisecond  
   // Yes queue1 The data in is processed and placed in queue2 in  
   public static void Queue1Thread(object state)
     while (_Exit == false)
      while (_Queue1.Count > 0)
        // Yes queue1 The data in is processed and placed in queue2 in  
   // Yes queue2 The data in is processed and placed in queue3 in  
   public static void Queue2Thread(object state)
     while (_Exit == false)
      while (_Queue2.Count > 0)
        // Yes queue1 The data in is processed and placed in queue2 in  
   // Processes for each column  
   public static void ShowState()
     string stateInfo =
     QueueTester._Queue1.Count.ToString() " -> "
     QueueTester._Queue2.Count.ToString() " -> "
      if (_OwnerForm != null)
        _OwnerForm.Invoke(_StateMethod, stateInfo);

I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's C#program design.

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