C implements a simple way to play mp3

  • 2021-01-19 22:20:53
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how C# implements a simple playback of mp3. Share with you for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

/// <summary>
///  test 
/// </summary>
class TestDemo
 public void Test()
  clsMCI cm = new clsMCI();
  cm.FileName = "alarm.mp3";
/// <summary>
/// clsMci  Summary of the description. 
/// </summary>
public class clsMCI
 public clsMCI()
 // define API The string variable used by the function  
 private string Name = "" ;
 private string durLength = "" ;
 private string TemStr ="";
 int ilong;
 // Define the play state enumeration variable 
 public enum State
  mPlaying = 1,
  mPuase = 2,
  mStop = 3
 // Structure variables 
 public struct structMCI 
  public bool bMut;
  public int iDur;
  public int iPos;
  public int iVol;
  public int iBal;
  public string iName;
  public State state;
 public structMCI mc =new structMCI() ;
 // Gets the playback file properties 
 public string FileName
  return mc.iName;
     TemStr =""; 
     TemStr = TemStr.PadLeft(127,Convert.ToChar(" "));
     Name = Name.PadLeft(260,Convert.ToChar(" ")) ;
     mc.iName = value; 
     ilong = APIClass.GetShortPathName(mc.iName,Name, Name.Length);
     Name = GetCurrPath(Name);
     Name = "open " + Convert.ToChar(34) + Name + Convert.ToChar(34) + " alias media";
     ilong = APIClass.mciSendString("close all", TemStr, TemStr.Length , 0);
     ilong = APIClass.mciSendString( Name, TemStr, TemStr.Length, 0);
     ilong = APIClass.mciSendString("set media time format milliseconds", TemStr, TemStr.Length , 0);
     mc.state = State.mStop; 
 // play 
 public void play()
  TemStr = "";
  TemStr = TemStr.PadLeft(127,Convert.ToChar(" "));
  APIClass.mciSendString("play media", TemStr, TemStr.Length , 0);
  mc.state = State.mPlaying ;
 // stop 
 public void StopT()
  TemStr = "";
  TemStr = TemStr.PadLeft(128,Convert.ToChar(" "));
  ilong = APIClass.mciSendString("close media", TemStr, 128, 0);
  ilong = APIClass.mciSendString("close all", TemStr, 128, 0);
  mc.state = State.mStop ; 
 public void Puase()
  TemStr = "";
  TemStr = TemStr.PadLeft(128,Convert.ToChar(" "));
  ilong = APIClass.mciSendString("pause media", TemStr, TemStr.Length, 0);
  mc.state = State.mPuase ; 
 private string GetCurrPath(string name)
  if(name.Length <1) return ""; 
  name = name.Trim();
  name = name.Substring(0,name.Length-1);
  return name;
 // The total time 
 public int Duration
   durLength = "";
   durLength = durLength.PadLeft(128,Convert.ToChar(" ")) ;
   APIClass.mciSendString("status media length", durLength, durLength.Length, 0);
   durLength = durLength.Trim();
   if(durLength == "") return 0;
   return (int)(Convert.ToDouble(durLength) / 1000f); 
 // The current time 
 public int CurrentPosition
   durLength = "";
   durLength = durLength.PadLeft(128,Convert.ToChar(" ")) ;
   APIClass.mciSendString("status media position", durLength, durLength.Length, 0);
   mc.iPos = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(durLength) / 1000f);
   return mc.iPos;
public class APIClass
  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
  public static extern int GetShortPathName (
   string lpszLongPath,
   string shortFile,
   int cchBuffer
[DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint="mciSendString", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int mciSendString (
   string lpstrCommand,
   string lpstrReturnString,
   int uReturnLength,
   int hwndCallback

I hope this article is helpful to your C# program design.

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