Unity3D dynamic object optimization code sharing

  • 2021-01-18 06:36:38
  • OfStack

The specific explanation please look carefully in the annotation has explained very carefully, here is no more nonsense

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Dynamic object optimization
/// </summary>
public class DynamicOptimization : MonoBehaviour {
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
    /// <summary>
    /// Dynamic object optimization
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gameObject"> object </param>
    public void DynamicObjectOptimization(GameObject gameObject)
        //SkinnedMeshRenderer: Skin mesh renderer --- Gets all objects with the mesh renderer ( Contain subobjects )
        SkinnedMeshRenderer[] smr = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        //CombineInstance: The structure used to depict mesh merging , Incorporating the mesh facilitates performance optimization
        List<CombineInstance> listCom = new List<CombineInstance>();
        // All Material Set
        List<Material> listMat = new List<Material>();
        // A collection of basic information about an object
        List<Transform> listTrans = new List<Transform>();
        for(int i=0;i<smr.Length;i++)
            // Get material information
            // The object information ---bones: List of bones for skinning mesh
            // Get information about the shared grid
            for(int k=0;k<smr[i].sharedMesh.subMeshCount;k++)
                // Merge instance
                CombineInstance ci = new CombineInstance();
                // Getting grid information
                ci.mesh = smr[i].sharedMesh;
                // Gets the index information for the grid
                ci.subMeshIndex = k;
                // add
            // delete
        // Gets renderer information on the object
        SkinnedMeshRenderer smRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        // Determines whether a mesh renderer is included , If not, add it
            smRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        // Skin grid
        smRenderer.sharedMesh = new Mesh();
        // List of bone
        smRenderer.bones = listTrans.ToArray();
        // The material
        smRenderer.materials = new Material[] { listMat[0] };
        // Get information about the object
        smRenderer.rootBone = gameObject.transform;
        // Merged Grid ( CombineMeshes ) function 2 The parameter sets whether to merge multiple subgrids into 1 Zhang actual mesh.
        //1 An actual grid can only be applied 1 So only all the meshes that have been merged are the same 1 , that is, a shared material,
        // You really combine them to apply the material correctly. Otherwise, the parameter should be set to false That means you don't actually merge these sub mesh .
        // They are treated as if they were combined Mesh The object's sub mesh .
        smRenderer.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes(listCom.ToArray(), true);

That's all for this article. I hope you enjoy it

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