C implements a method to convert json to DataTable

  • 2020-12-20 03:43:26
  • OfStack

This article shows an example of how C# implements the transformation from json to DataTable. Share to everybody for everybody reference. Specific implementation methods are as follows:

#region  will json convert DataTable
/// <summary>
/// will json convert DataTable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strJson"> To get the json</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private DataTable JsonToDataTable(string strJson)
    // conversion json format
    strJson = strJson.Replace(",\"", "*\"").Replace("\":", "\"#").ToString();
    // Take out the name of the table   
    var rg = new Regex(@"(?<={)[^:]+(?=:\[)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    string strName = rg.Match(strJson).Value;
    DataTable tb = null;
    // Remove the name of the table   
    strJson = strJson.Substring(strJson.IndexOf("[") + 1);
    strJson = strJson.Substring(0, strJson.IndexOf("]"));
    // To get the data   
    rg = new Regex(@"(?<={)[^}]+(?=})");
    MatchCollection mc = rg.Matches(strJson);
    for (int i = 0; i < mc.Count; i++)
 string strRow = mc[i].Value;
 string[] strRows = strRow.Split('*');
 // Create a table   
 if (tb == null)
     tb = new DataTable();
     tb.TableName = strName;
     foreach (string str in strRows)
  var dc = new DataColumn();
  string[] strCell = str.Split('#');
  if (strCell[0].Substring(0, 1) == "\"")
      int a = strCell[0].Length;
      dc.ColumnName = strCell[0].Substring(1, a - 2);
      dc.ColumnName = strCell[0];
 // Increase the content of   
 DataRow dr = tb.NewRow();
 for (int r = 0; r < strRows.Length; r++)
     dr[r] = strRows[r].Split('#')[1].Trim().Replace(" . ", ",").Replace(" : ", ":").Replace("\"", "");
    return tb;

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