Brief analysis of steps for C to use delegation

  • 2020-11-20 06:13:32
  • OfStack

This article gives a brief analysis of the steps for C# to use delegation. Share to everybody for everybody reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

The delegate can be understood as C or C++ inside of the function pointer, calling the delegate is actually calling the delegate method.

The simple steps for using a delegate are as follows:

1. Define the delegate

//  Define the delegate to use the keyword  delegate
private delegate void SetProgressBarValueDelegate(int value);

2. State the delegate

private SetProgressBarValueDelegate setProgressBarValue;

3. Instantiate the delegate

setProgressBarValue = new SetProgressBarValueDelegate(SetProgressBarValue1);

SetProgressBarValue1 is the name of the method being delegated, and the parameter type is kept 1 to the type of the delegate. Its prototype is as follows:

//  Set the progress bar 1 value 
private void SetProgressBarValue1(int value)
    pgProgressBar1.Value = value;

4. Use the delegate:

//  Set the progress bar value 
private void SetProgressBarValueMethod(SetProgressBarValueDelegate setProgressBarValueDelegate)
    for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
} /* This command tells the system to proceed with other user interface events to avoid faking death
 * Is equivalent to Visual Basic 6.0 the DoEvents()
 * Is equivalent to Easy language the Handle events () */
/* This command is used for thread pauses (argument: milliseconds)
 * Used here in the main thread, this will cause a false death and pause just to get a better view */ Thread.Sleep(50);

Hopefully this article has helped you with your C# programming.

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