Multi producer multi consumer synchronization problem based on C

  • 2020-09-28 09:07:10
  • OfStack

This article illustrates multi-producer and multi-consumer synchronization based on C# and shares it with you for your reference. The specific code is as follows:

//  Multiple producers and multiple consumers can produce n The situation of the products 

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class HoldIntegerSynchronized{
 private int[] buffer; // The buffer 
 private int occupiedBufferCount = 0;
 private int readPosition = 0 , writePosition = 0;
 // Under the 1 Three read and write locations 
 public HoldIntegerSynchronized(int capacity){
 buffer = new int[capacity];
 public int BufferSize{
  return buffer.Length;

 public int Buffer{
  int bufferCopy;
  //  lock 
  while(occupiedBufferCount == 0){ // Multiple consumers, so use this instead while
   Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " tries to read. ");
   DisplayState("Buffer Empty. " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " waits.");
   //  Release the producer waiting outside the critical zone. Let him come " production "
   // 1 Until the producer has finished producing, the call is made Monitor.PauseAll()
   //  In order to continue to execute , At this point, the consumer is automatically reacquired this The lock 
  bufferCopy = buffer[readPosition];
  readPosition = (readPosition + 1) % buffer.Length;  
  DisplayState(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " reads " + bufferCopy);

  //  Notice, let waiting   Producer thread   Enter the Started state , If the producer is outside the critical section, he will still be outside the critical section after this sentence is executed 

  //  Release the lock 
  return bufferCopy;

  //  lock 
  while(occupiedBufferCount == buffer.Length){
   Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " tries to write. ");
   DisplayState("Buffer Full. " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " waits.");
   //  Wait for consumer clearance outside critical zone, let him come " consumption "
   // 1 Until the consumer calls Monitor.Pause()
   //  Can continue to execute, at this point, the producer automatically regain this The lock 

  buffer[writePosition] = value;
  writePosition = (writePosition + 1) % buffer.Length;
  DisplayState(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " writes " + value);

  //  Notice, Wait The state of the   consumers   Enter the Started state , If the consumer is outside the critical section, he will still be outside the critical section after this sentence is executed 
  //  Release the lock 

 public void DisplayState(string operation){
 for(int i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++ ){
  int a = readPosition;
  int b = writePosition;
  if( a <= i && i < b) {
  }else if( b < a && !( b <= i && i < a ) ){
  }else if( occupiedBufferCount == BufferSize){

class Producer{
 private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedLocation;
 private Random randomSleepTime;

 public Producer(HoldIntegerSynchronized shared,Random random){
 sharedLocation = shared;
 randomSleepTime = random;
 public void Produce(){
 for (int count=0; count<3; count++) {
  sharedLocation.Buffer = randomSleepTime.Next(5,10);
 Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " done producing./r/nTerminating " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + "./r/n");

class Consumer{
 private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedLocation;
 private Random randomSleepTime;

 public Consumer(HoldIntegerSynchronized shared,Random random){
 sharedLocation = shared;
 randomSleepTime = random;
 public void Consume(){
 int sum = 0;
 for (int count=0; count<4; count++) {
  sum += sharedLocation.Buffer;
 Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " read values totaling:" + sum + "/r/nTerminating " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ".");

class SharedCell{
 static void Main(string[] args){
 HoldIntegerSynchronized holdInteger = new HoldIntegerSynchronized(5);
 Random random = new Random();
 Thread[] producerThreads = new Thread[4];
 Thread[] consumerThreads = new Thread[3];

 for(int i = 0;i < holdInteger.BufferSize;i++){
  Console.Write("{0,-9}","Elem " + i);
 Console.WriteLine("Occupied Count/r/n");

 for(int i = 0; i < producerThreads.Length;i++){
  Producer producer = new Producer(holdInteger,random);
  producerThreads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(producer.Produce));
  producerThreads[i].Name = "Producer No." + i;

 for(int i = 0; i < consumerThreads.Length;i++){
  Consumer consumer = new Consumer(holdInteger,random);
  consumerThreads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(consumer.Consume));
  consumerThreads[i].Name = "Consumer No." + i;

 for(int i = 0; i < producerThreads.Length;i++){

 for(int i = 0; i < consumerThreads.Length;i++){

I hope this article has helped you with your C# programming.

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