C about System.Collections space detail

  • 2020-06-23 01:49:47
  • OfStack

The System. Collections namespace for C# contains usable collection classes and associated interfaces that provide the basic functionality of collections. It includes the non-generic collection classes and non-generic interfaces under.ES4en, which are detailed as follows:

The.NET non-generic collection class under this namespace looks like this:

-- System. Collections. ArrayList: array collection class that implements the Ilist interface using dynamically sized arrays.
-- System. Collections. BitArray: Boolean collection class that manages a compressed array of bit values that are Boolean.
-- System. Collections. Queue: Queue, representing a fifO collection of objects.
-- System.Collections.Stack: Stack, representing a simple lifO collection of objects.
-- System.Collections.Hashtable: A hash table representing a collection of key/value pairs organized according to the key's hash code
-- ES31en. Collections. SortedList: Sort collection class, representing a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by keys and accessible by keys and indexes.

The.NET non-generic interface under this namespace looks like this:

-- System.Collections.ICollection :(inherited from IEnumerable) defines the sizes of all collections, enumerators, and synchronization methods that get the number of items in the collection and copy items into a simple array type.
-- ES44en.Collections.IComparer: A way to compare two objects
-- System.Collections.IList :(inherited from IEnumerable and ICollection) means that a set of objects can be individually accessed by index, providing a list of items in the collection and having access to those items.
-- System. Collections. IDictionary :(inherited from IEnumerable and ICollection) represents the set of key/value pairs
-- System. Collections. IDictionaryEnumerator: Enumerates the elements of a dictionary
-- ES64en. Collections. IEnumerator: Supports simple iteration over a collection by iterating over items in the collection. Support for simple iterations in non-generic collections.

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