C code instance that converts a number to a capital amount

  • 2020-06-23 01:43:25
  • OfStack

Implementation code:

//  Such as: (new Money(200)).ToString() == " ErBai yuan "
namespace Skyiv.Util {
    using System.Text;
    class Test {
        static void Main() {
            for (;;) {
                System.Console.Write(" The amount of : ");
                string s = System.Console.ReadLine();
                decimal m;
                try {
                    m = decimal.Parse(s);
                } catch {
                System.Console.WriteLine(" A capital : " + new Money(m));
    //  Class overloaded  ToString()  Method returns an uppercase amount string 
    class Money {
        public string Yuan = " yuan "; //  "Yuan" can be changed to "yuan", "ruble" and so on 
        public string Jiao = " Angle "; //  "Angle", you can change it to "pick up". 
        public string Fen = " points "; //  "Cents" can be changed to something like "cents" 
        static string Digit = " One twenty-three fifty-seven nine "; //  Upper case number 
        bool isAllZero = true; //  Whether the segment is zero 
        bool isPreZero = true; //  low 1 Whether the digit is zero 
        bool Overflow = false; //  Overflow mark 
        long money100; //  The amount of *100 , the amount in "cents" 
        long value; // money100 The absolute value of 
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //  Uppercase amount string, in reverse order 
        //  Read-only property : " Zero yuan "
        public string ZeroString {
            get {
                return Digit[0] + Yuan;
        //  The constructor 
        public Money(decimal money) {
            try {
                money100 = (long)(money * 100m);
            } catch {
                Overflow = true;
            if (money100 == long.MinValue) Overflow = true;
        //  overloading  ToString()  Method, which returns an uppercase amount string 
        public override string ToString() {
            if (Overflow) return " Amount out of range ";
            if (money100 == 0) return ZeroString;
            string[] Unit = {
                " wan ",
                " Hundred million ",
                " wan ",
                " One hundred million "
            value = System.Math.Abs(money100);
            for (int i = 0; i < Unit.Length && value > 0; i++) {
                if (isPreZero && !isAllZero) sb.Append(Digit[0]);
                if (i == 4 && sb.ToString().EndsWith(Unit[2])) sb.Remove(sb.Length - Unit[2].Length, Unit[2].Length);
                if ((i % 2) == 1 && isAllZero) sb.Remove(sb.Length - Unit[i].Length, Unit[i].Length);
            if (money100 < 0) sb.Append(" negative ");
            return Reverse();
        //  Parse "Fragments" :  "Angle points (2 position ) "Or" Within ten thousand 1 Period of (4 position ) " 
        void ParseSection(bool isJiaoFen) {
            string[] Unit = isJiaoFen ? new string[] {
            }: new string[] {
                " Pick up ",
                " hk ",
                " micky "
            isAllZero = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < Unit.Length && value > 0; i++) {
                int d = (int)(value % 10);
                if (d != 0) {
                    if (isPreZero && !isAllZero) sb.Append(Digit[0]);
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", Unit[i], Digit[d]);
                    isAllZero = false;
                isPreZero = (d == 0);
                value /= 10;
        //  Reverse string 
        string Reverse() {
            StringBuilder sbReversed = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = sb.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) sbReversed.Append(sb[i]);
            return sbReversed.ToString();

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