The c implementation writes exceptions to the sample of exception log

  • 2020-06-19 11:37:30
  • OfStack

Writing an exception to a log file lets you debug a program and know which exceptions have occurred and where they occurred. This is especially useful for programs that need to run for a long time and be debugged.

/// <summary>
///  Print the exception to LOG file 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ex"> abnormal </param>
/// <param name="LogAddress"> Log file address </param>
public static void WriteLog(Exception ex, string LogAddress = "")
    // If the log file is empty, the default is at Debug New directory  YYYY-mm-dd_Log.log file 
    if (LogAddress == "")
        LogAddress = Environment.CurrentDirectory + '\\' +
            DateTime.Now.Year + '-' +
            DateTime.Now.Month + '-' +
            DateTime.Now.Day + "_Log.log";
    // Output the exception information to a file 
    StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter(LogAddress, true);
    fs.WriteLine(" Current time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
    fs.WriteLine(" Exception information: " + ex.Message);
    fs.WriteLine(" Exception object: " + ex.Source);
    fs.WriteLine(" Call stack: \n" + ex.StackTrace.Trim());
    fs.WriteLine(" Trigger method: " + ex.TargetSite);

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