c logging help class sharing

  • 2020-06-15 10:09:05
  • OfStack

public class LogHelper
       private static void Info(string category, int priority, TraceEventType severity, string message)
           IDictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
           dic.Add(" attribute :", category);
           dic.Add(" content :", message);
           ICollection<string> coll = new List<string>();

           LogEntry log = new LogEntry();
           log.Priority = priority;
           log.Severity = severity;
           log.Message = category;//" Log test ";
           log.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
           log.ExtendedProperties = dic;// Record additional information 
           log.Categories = coll;// Sets the type of log to be logged 
       public static void Debug(string message)
           Info("Debug", 1, TraceEventType.Information, message);
       public static void DebugFormat(string format, params object[] args)
           Info("Debug", 1, TraceEventType.Information, String.Format(format, args));
       public static void Trace(string message)
           Info("Trace", 1, TraceEventType.Information, message);
       public static void TraceFormat(string format, params object[] args)
           Info("Trace", 1, TraceEventType.Information, String.Format(format, args));
       public static void Error(string message)
           Info("Error", 1, TraceEventType.Error, message);
       public static void ErrorFormat(string format, params object[] args)
           Info("Error", 1, TraceEventType.Error, String.Format(format, args));
       public static void Error(object obj, Exception ex)
           Info("Error", 1, TraceEventType.Error, String.Format("Error Info:{0},{1}", obj, ex.Message));
       // logging  
       public static void WriteLog(string errorTitle, string properties, string content)
           IDictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
           dic.Add(" attribute :", properties);
           dic.Add(" content :", content);

           ICollection<string> coll = new List<string>();

           LogEntry log = new LogEntry();
           log.Message = errorTitle;//" Log test ";
           log.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
           log.ExtendedProperties = dic;// Record additional information 
           log.Categories = coll;// Sets the type of log to be logged 


#region  According to the JobNO Gets the name of the corresponding operator  EMPLOYEE  table 
       /// <summary>
       ///  According to the JobNO Gets the name of the corresponding operator 
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="jobNo">JobNO</param>
       /// <returns></returns>
       public static string GetManagerNameByjobNo(string jobNo)
           string strSql = "select IN_USER from IMPGTBILL where JOB_NO=@jobNo";
               object temp = SqlHelper.Instance("Conn_GM")
                   .ExecuteScalar(strSql, new[] { new SqlParameter("@jobNo", jobNo) });
               if (temp != null)
                   return temp.ToString();
               return "";
           catch (Exception e)
               LogHelper.ErrorFormat("OrderTitle_DAL.GetManagerNameByjobNo:{0}", e.Message);
               return null;

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