Use a summary of the attributes in the C class (details the attributes of the class)

  • 2020-06-15 10:08:29
  • OfStack

private int dd;  
public int dd  
    get{ return xx*3;}  
    set{ xx = value/3;}  

An attribute without set is a read-only attribute, and an accessor without get is a write-only attribute.
(1) The get accessor is used to return a field or to calculate and return a field and must terminate with return or throw.

private string name;  
public string Name  
        return name != null ? name : "NA";  

(2) The set accessor is similar to a function of return type void, using the implicit argument of value

private string name;  // the name field  
    public string Name    // the Name property  
            return name;  
            name = value;  

(3) Access restrictions
Property access tags for public private, protected, internal, protected internal, because the visitor access restrictions must be more strict than attribute access restrictions, so

private int xx;  
      public int sxx  
          public get { return xx; }//error  
          set { xx = value; }  

You cannot use access modifiers on interfaces or explicit interfaces because all the defaults in the interface are public;
Access modifiers are allowed only when get and set accessors are available, and only one of them can be used.
If the attribute has an override modifier, the accessor modifier must match the overridden one.
The accessibility level of an accessor must be more stringent than the accessibility level of an attribute

To understand:
First of all, article 4 is the easiest to think about, and it makes sense, because it is, after all, an external decision and an internal one.
Second, since article 4 is understandable, if there is only one accessor and the accessor accesses the same level as the attribute, then why not specify it on the attribute?
This makes sense, so it is more clear why you must have get and set to add access modifiers.

The attribute in the interface is public, so if there are only 1 get or set in the interface, we can specify the ownership of another accessor in inheritance. However, if the interface has both get and set, then by derivation and inheritance matching, it is no longer possible to specify accessor access restrictions in this way.

public interface ISomeInterface  
    int TestProperty  
        // No access modifier allowed here  
        // because this is an interface.  

public class TestClass : ISomeInterface  
    public int TestProperty  
        // Cannot use access modifier here because  
        // this is an interface implementation.  
        get { return 10; }  

        // Interface property does not have set accessor,  
        // so access modifier is allowed.  
        protected set { }  

(4) static can be used to modify the attribute so that it can be accessed at any time

private static int counter;  
public static int Counter  
        get { return counter; }  

(5) Attribute hiding

public class Employee  
    private string name;  
    public string Name  
        get { return name; }  
        set { name = value; }  

public class Manager : Employee  
    private string name;  

    // Notice the use of the new modifier:  
    public new string Name // use new to hide property in base class  
        get { return name; }  
        set { name = value + ", Manager"; }  

(6) virtual to modify the attribute, derived classes use override to override the attribute

public class Parent  
    public virtual int TestProperty  

        protected set { }  
        get { return 0; }  
public class Kid : Parent  
    public override int TestProperty  
        protected set { }  
        get { return 0; }  

(7) abstract modifies attributes and derives classes to implement attributes

abstract class Shape  
    public abstract double Area  

class Square : Shape  
    public double side;  
    public override double Area  
            return side * side;  
            side = System.Math.Sqrt(value);  

(8) sealed modifies the attribute. Derived classes cannot modify the attribute

(9) Interface properties
The interface property does not have a function body

public interface Inters  
    string Name  

(10) Automatic properties
When no additional access logic is needed in the property accessor, automatic properties can be used to make the code cleaner

private string name;  
public string Name  
        return name != null ? name : "NA";  

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