sqlserver backup restore database function encapsulates and shares

  • 2020-06-15 10:05:50
  • OfStack

using System;
using SQLDMO;
namespace EDTBackupTool
 /// <summary>
 /// Backup  The summary description of. 
 /// </summary>
 public class SQLTools
  public static bool Backup(string backfile){
    SQLDMO.Backup backup = new BackupClass();
    SQLDMO.SQLServer server = new SQLServerClass();
    server.LoginSecure = true;     
    backup.Action = SQLDMO.SQLDMO_BACKUP_TYPE.SQLDMOBackup_Database;
    backup.Database = ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.Catalog;
    backup.Files =backfile;
    backup.BackupSetName =ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.Catalog;
    backup.BackupSetDescription = " Database backup ";
    backup.Initialize = true;    
    return true;
   catch(Exception ex){
    return false;
  public static bool RestoreDB(string strFileName) 
   SQLDMO.SQLServer svr = new SQLDMO.SQLServerClass() ; 
    svr.Connect(ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.DataSource,"sa","") ;   
    SQLDMO.QueryResults qr = svr.EnumProcesses(-1) ; 
    int iColPIDNum = -1 ; 
    int iColDbName = 1 ; 
    for(int i=1;i<=qr.Columns;i++) 
     string strName = qr.get_ColumnName(i) ; 
     if (strName.ToUpper().Trim() == "SPID") 
      iColPIDNum = i ; 
     else if (strName.ToUpper().Trim() == ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.Catalog) 
      iColDbName = i ; 
     if (iColPIDNum != -1 && iColDbName != -1) 
      break ; 
    // Used to kill strDbName Database process 
    for(int i=1;i<=qr.Rows;i++) 
     int lPID = qr.GetColumnLong(i,iColPIDNum) ; 
     string strDBName = qr.GetColumnString(i,iColDbName) ; 
     if (strDBName.ToUpper() == ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.Catalog) 
      svr.KillProcess(lPID) ; 

    SQLDMO.Restore res = new SQLDMO.RestoreClass() ; 
    res.Action = 0 ; 
    res.Files = strFileName ; 
    res.Database = ClientCommon.CommonFunctions.Catalog ; 
    res.ReplaceDatabase = true ; 
    res.SQLRestore(svr) ; 
    return true ; 
    return false;
    svr.DisConnect() ; 

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