C implementation code to determine whether a string is full or half Angle

  • 2020-06-07 05:12:04
  • OfStack

The full Angle of the C# string is a character represented by 2 bytes

The half Angle of the C# string is 1 character represented by 1 byte

. So we can use string length and System text. Encoding. Default. Judging GetByteCount

Where string. length represents the number of characters in the C# string string,

System. text. Encoding. Default. GetByteCount said the number of bytes of the string.

Half Angle is judged as follows:

if (checkString.Length == Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(checkString)) 
   return true;      
   return false;     

The full Angle is determined as follows:

if (2 * checkString.Length == Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(checkString))  
   return true;   
   return false;    

This achieves the purpose of determining whether the C# string is full Angle or half Angle.

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