c timing program share of timing program

  • 2020-06-01 10:56:15
  • OfStack

1) add a reference file to our project: TaskSchedulerEngine.dll (dll defines an ITask interface and defines two methods Initialize and HandleConditionsMetEvent);

2) create a timed triggered class: SyncTask.cs (the class name is defined by itself), which must implement the interface ITask. The specific code is as follows:

public class SyncTask : ITask
  // The variable that accepts the passed parameter 
  private string configName;
    /// <summary>
  ///  Code for specific operations 
  /// </summary>
  public void HandleConditionsMetEvent(object sender, ConditionsMetEventArgs e)
      //  Here is the specific operation 
    catch (Exception ex)
      // Throw an exception and log the error 
  /// <summary>
  ///  Initialize the 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="schedule"></param>
  /// <param name="parameters"> Parameter (this parameter is passed when the timing trigger is set) </param>
  public void Initialize(ScheduleDefinition schedule, object parameters)
            // Initialize the variable by passing the parameter 
    configFileName = parameters.ToString();
      // Initialization of the concrete code 
    catch (Exception e)
          // Throw an exception and log the error  

3) configuration of app. config file, description of parameter setting of the configuration file:

a. < at > < /at > Is 1 Task. If different programs are triggered at different times, you need to set up more than one < at > ; name: just each one < at > Name, can according to their own needs; month: in which month is the Task triggered, * indicates that the Task is triggered every month; dayofMonth: day of the month, * for each day; dayOfWeek: triggered several times a week, * means triggered every day; hour: the time of triggering every day, * means once per hour; minute: a few minutes per hour, 58 means 58 minutes per hour; second: triggered in seconds per minute.

b. < task > Is the class to be triggered, type:" the detailed address of the class to be triggered (project name. Folder name. Class name), project name, Version, Culture,PublicKeyToKen", parameters: parameters to be passed, if not passed, can be set to "";

      <at name="TaskName" month="*" dayOfMonth="*" dayOfWeek="*" hour="*" minute="58" second="0" kind="Local">
          <task type="Test.Task.SyncTask, Test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" parameters="FtpConfig.xml" />

4) main program to open timing program:


OK, by now, a complete timing program has been written.

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