c add delete change and check the operation example of xml

  • 2020-05-30 20:57:25
  • OfStack

It is known that there is one XML file (bookstore.xml) as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<book genre="fantasy" ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
<author>Corets, Eva</author>

1, < bookstore > Insert 1 node < book > Nodes:

XmlDocument xmlDoc=new XmlDocument();
XmlNode root=xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore");// To find the <bookstore>
XmlElement xe1=xmlDoc.CreateElement("book");// create 1 a <book> node 
xe1.SetAttribute("genre"," Li Zangong ");// Set the node genre attribute 
xe1.SetAttribute("ISBN","2-3631-4");// Set the node ISBN attribute 
XmlElement xesub1=xmlDoc.CreateElement("title");
xesub1.InnerText="CS From introduction to mastery ";// Set text node 
xe1.AppendChild(xesub1);// Added to the <book> A node 
XmlElement xesub2=xmlDoc.CreateElement("author");
xesub2.InnerText=" All parts ";
XmlElement xesub3=xmlDoc.CreateElement("price");
root.AppendChild(xe1);// Added to the <bookstore> A node 

The result is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<book genre="fantasy" ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<book genre=" Li Zangong " ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>CS From introduction to mastery </title>
<author> All parts </author>

2. Modify the node: change the genre value of the node whose genre attribute value is "li zanghong" to "update li zanghong", and change the child node of the node < author > The text was changed to "yaseng".

XmlNodeList nodeList=xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore").ChildNodes;// To obtain bookstore All child nodes of a node 
foreach(XmlNode xn in nodeList)// Traverse all child nodes 
XmlElement xe=(XmlElement)xn;// Converts the child node type to XmlElement type 
if(xe.GetAttribute("genre")==" Li Zangong ")// if genre Property value is "li zanhong" 
xe.SetAttribute("genre","update Li Zangong ");// Then change the property to" update Li Zanhong" 
XmlNodeList nls=xe.ChildNodes;// Continue to get xe All the child nodes of the child nodes 
foreach(XmlNode xn1 in nls)// traverse 
XmlElement xe2=(XmlElement)xn1;// Conversion type 
if(xe2.Name=="author")// If you find 
xe2.InnerText=" The win ";// The modified 
break;// Just find the exit 
xmlDoc.Save("bookstore.xml");// Save. 

The final result is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<book genre="fantasy" ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<book genre="update Li Zangong " ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>CS From introduction to mastery </title>
<author> The win </author>

3, delete, < book genre="fantasy" ISBN="2-3631-4" > The genre property of the node, delete < book genre = "update li changhong" ISBN = "2-3631-4" > Node.

XmlNodeList xnl=xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore").ChildNodes;
foreach(XmlNode xn in xnl)
XmlElement xe=(XmlElement)xn;
xe.RemoveAttribute("genre");// delete genre attribute 
else if(xe.GetAttribute("genre")=="update Li Zangong ")
xe.RemoveAll();// Delete all contents of this node 

The final result is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<book ISBN="2-3631-4">
<title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
<author>Corets, Eva</author>

4. Display all data

XmlNode xn=xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore");
XmlNodeList xnl=xn.ChildNodes;
foreach(XmlNode xnf in xnl)
XmlElement xe=(XmlElement)xnf;
Console.WriteLine(xe.GetAttribute("genre"));// Display attribute values 
XmlNodeList xnf1=xe.ChildNodes;
foreach(XmlNode xn2 in xnf1)
Console.WriteLine(xn2.InnerText);// Displays child node point text 

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