In depth delegation and multicast delegation details

  • 2020-05-17 06:09:33
  • OfStack

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class  Simple delegate instance 
        public static double Area(double Val)
            return Val * 2;
        public static double Scare(double Val)
            return Val * Val;
    class Test
        public delegate double delegateTest(double dd);
        static void Main()
            // Instantiate a delegate array , ( 1 Defines the delegate class , I can instantiate it.) 
            delegateTest[] Operations =
                    // It says what the delegate is 1 Kind of way , Combine methods into an array 
                  new delegateTest( Simple delegate instance .Area),
                  new delegateTest( Simple delegate instance .Scare) 
            for (int i = 0; i < Operations.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Using Operations[{0}]", i);
                Test MyTest = new Test();
                // Pass the delegate to ProcessDelagate() This method ,Operations[0] Can be interpreted as delegateTest Operations =new delegateTest( Simple delegate instance .Area); call ProcessDelagate This way Operations The proxy method is a simple delegate instance .Area
                MyTest.ProcessDelagate(Operations[i], 12.0);
                MyTest.ProcessDelagate(Operations[i], 2.0);
        // Delegate as 1 Two parameters are passed to ProcessDelagate() The first 1 In the parameters 
        void ProcessDelagate(delegateTest Action, double d)
            double Result = Action(d);
            Console.WriteLine(" The value provided is {0}, As a result, {1}", d, Result);

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    // If you want to call this method multiple times , So you're going to call this delegate multiple times , A delegate contains multiple methods , This kind of delegation is multicast delegation! 
    class  The multicast delegate 
        // Using a void No return value 
        public delegate void DelageteTest(double val);
        static void Main()
            // Added in multicast delegate 2 A method of 
            DelageteTest MyTest = new DelageteTest(Test.Area);
            MyTest += new DelageteTest(Test.Scare);
            // The following code follows 3 Lines of code are equivalent 
            //DelageteTest MyTest;
            //DelageteTest Test1 = new DelageteTest(Test.Area);
            //DelageteTest Test2 = new DelageteTest(Test.Scare);
            //MyTest = Test1 + Test2;
             The multicast delegate   more  = new  The multicast delegate ();
             more .OPreation(MyTest, 2.0);
             more .OPreation(MyTest, 12.0);
        void OPreation(DelageteTest Action, double d)
    class Test
        public static void Area(double Val)
            Console.WriteLine(Val * 2);
        public static void Scare(double Val)
            Console.WriteLine(Val * Val);

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