The implementation method of C voice function

  • 2020-05-10 18:39:09
  • OfStack

The SpeechSDK5.1 development kit and SpeechSDK5.1 Langague Pack (English and Chinese) language kit should be installed first, but VS2010 comes with SpeechSDK5.0 com component, which can also be used.

  briefly describes 1 of 4 methods:

When reading aloud, use


Pause, use


Continue the reading from the pause, use


Stop function

voice.Speak(string.Empty, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak);

In this way, the functions of "reading aloud", "pause", "continue" and "stop" can be realized completely.

The example code is given directly below:

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Analyse(string strSpeak)
            int iCbeg = 0;
            int iEbeg = 0;
            bool IsChina = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < strSpeak.Length; i++)
                char chr = strSpeak[i];
                if (IsChina)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(chr) <= 122 && Convert.ToInt32(chr) >= 65)
                        int iLen = i - iCbeg;
                        string strValue =
             strSpeak.Substring(iCbeg, iLen);
                        iEbeg = i;
                        IsChina = false;
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(chr) > 122 || Convert.ToInt32(chr) < 65)
                        int iLen = i - iEbeg;
                        string strValue =
strSpeak.Substring(iEbeg, iLen);
                        iCbeg = i;
                        IsChina = true;
             if (IsChina)     
             {       int iLen = strSpeak.Length - iCbeg; 
                 string strValue = strSpeak.Substring(iCbeg, iLen); 
                 int iLen = strSpeak.Length - iEbeg; 
                 string strValue = strSpeak.Substring(iEbeg, iLen); 

        // Chinese 
        private void SpeakChina(string speak)
            voice = new SpVoice();
            voice.Voice = voice.GetVoices(string.Empty, string.Empty).Item(3);// Among them 3 As a Chinese, 024 Is English, 
            voice.Speak(speak, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault);

        // English 
        private void SpeakEnglishi(string speak)
            voice = new SpVoice();
            voice.Voice = voice.GetVoices(string.Empty, string.Empty).Item(0);// Among them 3 As a Chinese, 024 Is English, 
            voice.Speak(speak, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault);
// Save the voice 
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                     SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags SpFlags = SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync;
                     SpVoice Voice = new SpVoice();       
                     SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();      
                     sfd.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|wav files (*.wav)|*.wav";       
                     sfd.Title = "Save to a wave file";       
                     sfd.FilterIndex = 2;       
                     sfd.RestoreDirectory = true;       
                     if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)       
                         SpeechStreamFileMode SpFileMode = SpeechStreamFileMode.SSFMCreateForWrite;
                         SpFileStream SpFileStream = new SpFileStream();
                         SpFileStream.Open(sfd.FileName, SpFileMode, false);
                         Voice.AudioOutputStream = SpFileStream;
                         Voice.Speak(this.textBox1.Text, SpFlags);
                 catch (Exception er)
                     MessageBox.Show("An Error Occured!", "SpeechApp", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


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