Introduction to creating user controls in Winform

  • 2020-05-10 18:38:16
  • OfStack


1. Create a project, which is mainly used to design user controls.

2. Create a user control form to design user controls.

3. Add a button (button1) to the form of user control, add the corresponding moving in and out events to it, and set the background of the button to 1 picture when moving in, and another picture when moving out.

   private void button1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.button1.Image = Image.FromFile(@"images\ The background image 001.jpg");
        private void button1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.button1.Image = Image.FromFile(@"images/ The background image 003.jpg");

4. Override the Text properties of the parent class for the user control (actually setting and getting the text of button1)

    // Overrides the parent class Text attribute 
        public override string Text
                return button1.Text;
                button1.Text = value;

5. Customize a property for the user control (when using the user control, you will see an age property in the property panel, which can be run by yourself. See 1)

    // The custom 1 A property 
        [Category(" The custom "), Description(" Display text content ")]
        public string age
            get { return "aaa"; }
            set { button1.Text = value; }

6, so a simple user control is done

7. Create another form project to reference our user control above

8, add the user control to the form, run can see the corresponding effect.

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