Use stream to implement a simple HTTP downloader

  • 2020-04-02 03:00:49
  • OfStack

In fact, the HTTP downloader is quite complete with support: speed limit, post post and upload, custom HTTP header, setting user agent, setting range, and timeout

And it is not only download HTTP, because of the use of stream, so it also supports other protocols, you can also use it to copy between files, pure TCP download, and so on.

Complete the demo, please reference: (link:

Stream. C

/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * includes
#include "../demo.h"
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * types
typedef struct __tb_demo_context_t
  // verbose 
  tb_bool_t      verbose;
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * func
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_http_post_func(tb_size_t state, tb_hize_t offset, tb_hong_t size, tb_hize_t save, tb_size_t rate, tb_cpointer_t priv)
  // percent
  tb_size_t percent = 0;
  if (size > 0) percent = (tb_size_t)((offset * 100) / size);
  else if (state == TB_STATE_CLOSED) percent = 100;
  // trace
  tb_trace_i("post: %llu, rate: %lu bytes/s, percent: %lu%%, state: %s", save, rate, percent, tb_state_cstr(state));
  // ok
  return tb_true;
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_stream_head_func(tb_char_t const* line, tb_cpointer_t priv)
  tb_printf("response: %sn", line);
  return tb_true;
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_stream_save_func(tb_size_t state, tb_hize_t offset, tb_hong_t size, tb_hize_t save, tb_size_t rate, tb_cpointer_t priv)
  // check
  tb_demo_context_t* context = (tb_demo_context_t*)priv;
  tb_assert_and_check_return_val(context, tb_false);
  // print verbose info
  if (context->verbose) 
    // percent
    tb_size_t percent = 0;
    if (size > 0) percent = (tb_size_t)((offset * 100) / size);
    else if (state == TB_STATE_CLOSED) percent = 100;
    // trace
    tb_printf("save: %llu bytes, rate: %lu bytes/s, percent: %lu%%, state: %sn", save, rate, percent, tb_state_cstr(state));
  // ok
  return tb_true;
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * globals
static tb_option_item_t g_options[] = 
  {'-',  "gzip",     TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL,    "enable gzip"        }
,  {'-',  "no-verbose",  TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL,    "disable verbose info"   }
,  {'d',  "debug",    TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL,    "enable debug info"     }
,  {'k',  "keep-alive",  TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL,    "keep alive"        }
,  {'h',  "header",    TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR,    "the custem http header"  }
,  {'-',  "post-data",  TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR,    "set the post data"     }
,  {'-',  "post-file",  TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR,    "set the post file"     }
,  {'-',  "range",    TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR,    "set the range"       }
,  {'-',  "timeout",   TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER,   "set the timeout"      }
,  {'-',  "limitrate",  TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL,   TB_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER,   "set the limitrate"     }
,  {'h',  "help",     TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL,    "display this help and exit"}
,  {'-',  "url",     TB_OPTION_MODE_VAL,     TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR,    "the url"          }
,  {'-',  tb_null,    TB_OPTION_MODE_MORE,    TB_OPTION_TYPE_NONE,    tb_null           }
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * main
tb_int_t tb_demo_stream_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
  // done
  tb_option_ref_t   option = tb_null;
  tb_stream_ref_t   istream = tb_null;
  tb_stream_ref_t   ostream = tb_null;
  tb_stream_ref_t   pstream = tb_null;
    // init option
    option = tb_option_init("stream", "the stream demo", g_options);
    // done option
    if (tb_option_done(option, argc - 1, &argv[1]))
      // debug & verbose
      tb_bool_t debug = tb_option_find(option, "debug");
      tb_bool_t verbose = tb_option_find(option, "no-verbose")? tb_false : tb_true;
      // done url
      if (tb_option_find(option, "url")) 
        // init istream
        istream = tb_stream_init_from_url(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"));
        // ctrl http
        if (tb_stream_type(istream) == TB_STREAM_TYPE_HTTP) 
          // enable gzip?
          if (tb_option_find(option, "gzip"))
            // auto unzip
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_AUTO_UNZIP, 1)) break;
            // need gzip
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")) break;
          // enable debug?
          if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD_FUNC, debug? tb_demo_stream_head_func : tb_null)) break;
          // custem header?
          if (tb_option_find(option, "header"))
            // init
            tb_string_t key;
            tb_string_t val;
            // done
            tb_bool_t      k = tb_true;
            tb_char_t const*  p = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "header");
            while (*p)
              // is key?
              if (k)
                if (*p != ':' && !tb_isspace(*p)) tb_string_chrcat(&key, *p++);
                else if (*p == ':') 
                  // skip ':'
                  // skip space
                  while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;
                  // is val now
                  k = tb_false;
                else p++;
              // is val?
                if (*p != ';') tb_string_chrcat(&val, *p++);
                  // skip ';'
                  // skip space
                  while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;
                  // set header
                  if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
                    if (debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %sn", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
                    if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;
                  // is key now
                  k = tb_true;
                  // clear key & val
            // set header
            if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
              if (debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %sn", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
              if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;
            // exit 
          // keep alive?
          if (tb_option_find(option, "keep-alive"))
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Connection", "keep-alive")) break;
          // post-data?
          if (tb_option_find(option, "post-data"))
            tb_char_t const*  post_data = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "post-data");
            tb_hize_t      post_size = tb_strlen(post_data);
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_DATA, post_data, post_size)) break;
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
            if (debug) tb_printf("post: %llun", post_size);
          // post-file?
          else if (tb_option_find(option, "post-file"))
            tb_char_t const* url = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "post-file");
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_URL, url)) break;
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
            if (debug) tb_printf("post: %sn", url);
        // set range
        if (tb_option_find(option, "range"))
          tb_char_t const* p = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "range");
          if (p)
            // the bof
            tb_hize_t eof = 0;
            tb_hize_t bof = tb_atoll(p);
            while (*p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
            if (*p == '-')
              eof = tb_atoll(p);
            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_RANGE, bof, eof)) break;
        // set timeout
        if (tb_option_find(option, "timeout"))
          tb_size_t timeout = tb_option_item_uint32(option, "timeout");
          if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT, timeout)) break;
        // print verbose info
        if (verbose) tb_printf("open: %s: ..n", tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"));
        // open istream
        if (!tb_stream_open(istream)) 
          // print verbose info
          if (verbose) tb_printf("open: %sn", tb_state_cstr(tb_stream_state(istream)));
        // print verbose info
        if (verbose) tb_printf("open: okn");
        // init ostream
        if (tb_option_find(option, "more0"))
          // the path
          tb_char_t const* path = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "more0");
          // init
          ostream = tb_stream_init_from_file(path, TB_FILE_MODE_RW | TB_FILE_MODE_CREAT | TB_FILE_MODE_BINARY | TB_FILE_MODE_TRUNC);
          // print verbose info
          if (verbose) tb_printf("save: %sn", path);
          // the name
          tb_char_t const* name = tb_strrchr(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"), '/');
          if (!name) name = tb_strrchr(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"), '\');
          if (!name) name = "/stream.file";
          // the path
          tb_char_t path[TB_PATH_MAXN] = {0};
          if (tb_directory_curt(path, TB_PATH_MAXN))
            tb_strcat(path, name);
          else break;
          // init file
          ostream = tb_stream_init_from_file(path, TB_FILE_MODE_RW | TB_FILE_MODE_CREAT | TB_FILE_MODE_BINARY | TB_FILE_MODE_TRUNC);
          // print verbose info
          if (verbose) tb_printf("save: %sn", path);
        // the limit rate
        tb_size_t limitrate = 0;
        if (tb_option_find(option, "limitrate"))
          limitrate = tb_option_item_uint32(option, "limitrate");
        // save it
        tb_hong_t      save = 0;
        tb_demo_context_t  context = {0}; 
        context.verbose   = verbose;
        if ((save = tb_transfer_done(istream, ostream, limitrate, tb_demo_stream_save_func, &context)) < 0) break;
      else tb_option_help(option);
    else tb_option_help(option);
  } while (0);
  // exit pstream
  if (pstream) tb_stream_exit(pstream);
  pstream = tb_null;
  // exit istream
  if (istream) tb_stream_exit(istream);
  istream = tb_null;
  // exit ostream
  if (ostream) tb_stream_exit(ostream);
  ostream = tb_null;
  // exit option
  if (option) tb_option_exit(option);
  option = tb_null;
  return 0;
tb_int_t tb_demo_stream_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
  return 0;

The above is all the content of this article, I hope you can enjoy it.

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