VC custom message response function postmessage usage example

  • 2020-04-02 02:56:03
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the use of the VC custom message response function postmessage. Share with you for your reference. The specific implementation steps are as follows:

1. Add the following code to the resource-h file to specify a message of your own

#define WM_MY_MESSAGE      WM_USER + 100       //---------------------by tyds

2. In... The file of view.h is added as follows:

afx_msg void Ontydspostmessage(); afx_msg void OnMyMessage(); //----- by tyds //}}AFX_MSG

3. In... Add the following code to the view.cpp file

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPostmessageView, CView)
ON_COMMAND(ID_tyds_postmessage, Ontydspostmessage)
ON_MESSAGE(WM_MY_MESSAGE, OnMyMessage)      //Add message mapping --by tyds
-- //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// Standard printing commands
END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CPostmessageView::Ontydspostmessage()
MessageBox("begin post message!");
//PostMessage(WM_MY_MESSAGE);     // Here, PostMessage SendMessage Two differences
SendMessage(WM_MY_MESSAGE);       //PostMessage is sent and returns, and SendMessage is sent and waits for execution before returning
} Message corresponding function
void   CPostmessageView::OnMyMessage() //Note that the parameters here may or may not depend on the return value as well as
{ MessageBox("post msg finished!");
// return 0;

Hope that this article described the VC programming for you to help.

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