In depth analysis of C++ Vector usage

  • 2020-04-02 02:34:13
  • OfStack

There is an application method called Vector in C++ programming language, which is very important in actual programming. Here we will give you a detailed introduction of C++ Vector related application skills and basic content, I hope to give you some help.

(1) the vector < type > Identifier;
(2) the vector < type > Identifier (maximum capacity);
(3) the vector < type > Identifier (maximum capacity, all initial values);
(4) int I [4] = {12,3,4,5};
The vector < type > Vi (I, I + 2); // get I index value after 3;  
(5) the vector < The vector < int > > //vi defines a 2-dimensional container; Remember to have Spaces, or you will report an error

vector< int > line  
//Be sure to initialize vi rows first when using;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) 
//I think it is good to use vector to define two-dimensional array, because the length can not be determined in advance. Very good.

(6) c + + the Vector sequence

vector< int > vi ;  
sort(vi.begin() , vi.end()); /// / small to large
reverse(vi.begin(),vi.end()) /// from the avenue is small

(7) sequential access

vector < int > vi ;  
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) 
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) /// the first method is called
cout <<vector[i] <<" " ;  
for(vector<int>::iterator it = vi.begin() ; 
it !=vi.end() ; it++) /// the second method is called
cout << *it << " " ; 


vector < int > vi ;  
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) 
vector < int >::interator it = find(vi.begin() , vi.end,3) ; 
cout << *it << endl ; /// returns the location within the container where the value was found.

(9) use array to initialize C++ Vector

int i[10] ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,78,8} ; 
/// the first
vector<int> vi(i+1,i+3); /// from the second element to the third element
for(vector <int>::interator it = vi.begin() ; 
it != vi.end() ; it++) 
cout << *it <<" " ;  

(10) structure type

struct temp 
public : 
string str ;  
public : 
int id ; 
int main() 
vector <temp> t ;  
temp w1 ;  
w1.str = "Hellowor" ; = 1 ;  
cout << w1.str << "," << <<endl ;  
return 0 ;  

So much for the basic introduction of C++ Vector.

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