C++ implements a Y function that can write a recursive lambda

  • 2020-04-02 02:30:37
  • OfStack

I've been learning about C++11's variadic template argument, so I'm happy to finally be able to get away from copying a lot of code using the fpmacro template. The main function of this example USES lambda to write a recursive function of the Fibonacci sequence. Unlike before, with the help of the Y function, the lambda expression is able to see itself successfully and call it recursively. Of course, this still requires a regular C++ recursive implementation, not the towering Y Combinator lambda -calculus.

#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template<typename TResult, typename ...TArgs>
class YBuilder


  function<TResult(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...)> partialLambda;


  YBuilder(function<TResult(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...)> _partialLambda)




  TResult operator()(TArgs ...args)const


    return partialLambda(

      [this](TArgs ...args)


        return this->operator()(args...);

      }, args...);



template<typename TMethod>

struct PartialLambdaTypeRetriver


  typedef void FunctionType;

  typedef void LambdaType;

  typedef void YBuilderType;


template<typename TClass, typename TResult, typename ...TArgs>

struct PartialLambdaTypeRetriver<TResult(__thiscall TClass::*)(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...)>

  typedef TResult FunctionType(TArgs...);

  typedef TResult LambdaType(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...);

  typedef YBuilder<TResult, TArgs...> YBuilderType;


template<typename TClass, typename TResult, typename ...TArgs>

struct PartialLambdaTypeRetriver<TResult(__thiscall TClass::*)(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...)const>


  typedef TResult FunctionType(TArgs...);

  typedef TResult LambdaType(function<TResult(TArgs...)>, TArgs...);

  typedef YBuilder<TResult, TArgs...> YBuilderType;



template<typename TLambda>

function<typename PartialLambdaTypeRetriver<decltype(&TLambda::operator())>::FunctionType> Y(TLambda partialLambda)


  return typename PartialLambdaTypeRetriver<decltype(&TLambda::operator())>::YBuilderType(partialLambda);



int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


  auto fib = Y([](function<int(int)> self, int index)


    return index<2





  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    cout << fib(i) << " ";


  cout << endl;


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