C++ commonly used hashinclude header file summary

  • 2020-04-02 02:27:54
  • OfStack

This article lists in detail C++ contains the name of the header file and function description, more suitable for beginners to understand, almost every C++ file at the beginning of the #include, but most people did not pay attention to the #include after what, the comparison of this article will help you understand C++ structure more or less.

# include < A deque > //STL double-ended queue container
# include < The exception > // exception handling class
# include < fstream > // file input/output
# include < The functional > //STL defines an operator (instead of an operator)
# include < limits > // defines maximum constants for various data types
# include < The list > //STL linear list container
# include < The map > //STL mapping container
# include < iomanip > // parameterize input/output
# include < The ios > // basic input/output support
# include < sstream > // string-based streams
# include < The stack > //STL stack container
# include < algorithm > //STL general algorithm
# include < bitset > //STL bit set container
# include < cctype > // character processing
# include < stdexcept > // standard exception class
# include < streambuf > // underlying input/output support
# include < The string > // string class
# include < The utility > / / STL generic template class
# include < The vector > //STL dynamic array container
# include < iosfwd > // pre declaration used by input/output system
# include < cerrno > // define the error code
# include < clocale > // define the localization function
# include < cmath > // define mathematical functions
# include < complex > / / the plural class
# include < cstdio > // define the input/output function
# include < cstdlib > // define miscellaneous functions and memory allocation functions
# include < cstrings > // string handling
# include < ctime > // define a function of time
# include < iostream > // data stream input/output
# include < cost > // basic input stream
# include < ostream > // basic output stream
# include < The queue > //STL queue container
# include < The set > //STL collection container
# include < cwchar > // wide character processing and input/output
# include < cwctype > // wide character classification
# include < Complex. H > // complex number processing
# include < Fenv. H > // floating point environment
# include < Inttypes. H > // integer format conversion
# include < Stdbool. H > / / Boolean environment
# include < Stdint. H > // integer environment
# include < Tgmath. H > // general type mathematical macro

Readers can understand the Chinese interpretation, and in the C++ program development quickly remember them, for the convenience of future programming.

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