C++ query shortest path example

  • 2020-04-02 02:22:56
  • OfStack

#include<stdlib.h>//With the file
#include<string.h>//Available gets (), puts ()
#define MAX 32767
#define MENU " Welcome to the navigation system! n========== The menu ===========n0 , load the north field map n1 Create a map n2 , query the shortest path n3 , exit n========== The menu ===========n"
struct stmap map;//Undirected network
const char *filepath1="D:\spots.dat";
const char *filepath2="D:\paths.dat";
int load1()
 FILE *fp;
 int i;
 if(fp==NULL){printf("spots File open exception, read failed ");return -1;}
 return 0;
int load2()
 FILE *fp;
 int i,j;
 if(fp==NULL){printf("paths File open exception, read failed ");return -1;}
 return 0;
void loadmap()
  printf("spot Read the success n");
  printf("spot Read the failure n");
  printf("path Read the success n");
  printf("path Read the failure n"); 
void drawmap()//Direct input
 int i;
 int a,b;
 char s1[10],s2[10];
 printf(" How many spots are there? (<=20)");//map.spotmun
 printf(" How many direct links are there between the scenic spots? ");//map.pathnum
 fflush(stdin);//Clear the keyboard buffer in "stdio.h"
 for(a=0;a<map.spotnum;a++)//initialize map
   else map.pathmatrix[a][b]=MAX;
  printf(" Please enter the first %d The name of each attraction ( <=10letters ) ",i+1);
  printf(" Please enter the first %d An introduction to the four attractions ( <=20letters ) ",i+1);
 }//Enter map.spot[].name; The map. The spot []. Intro
   printf(" Please enter the first %d The starting point of a path ",i+1);
    if(!strcmp(map.spot[a].name,s1))break;//Find the spot number
   if(a==map.spotnum)printf(" This scenic spot does not exist. Please enter again. n");
   printf(" Please enter the first %d The end of a path ",i+1);
   if(b==map.spotnum)printf(" This scenic spot does not exist. Please enter again. n");
  printf(" Please enter the first %d The length of the path ",i+1);
  map.pathmatrix[b][a]=map.pathmatrix[a][b];//Input path length
void shortestpath()//Shortest path, input starting point, output path and distance
 struct stspath spath[20];
 int s,t,v,w,min;
 char s1[10],s2[10];
 int pathorder[20];
 struct stspath *p;//pathorder
  printf(" Please enter the starting point ");//Find the starting spot number
  if(s==map.spotnum)printf(" This scenic spot does not exist. Please enter again. n");
  printf(" Please enter endpoint ");//Find the destination's spot number
  if(t==map.spotnum)printf(" This scenic spot does not exist. Please enter again. n");
 for(v=0;v<map.spotnum;v++)//initialize spath
 printf(" The shortest path length is zero %d, The shortest path is: n",spath[t].length);//print path
void main()
 int menu=1;
  printf("n Please enter your options (Numbers) n");
  switch (menu)
  case 0: loadmap();printf("n Map loading completed n");break;
  case 1: drawmap();printf("n The new complete n");break;
  case 2: shortestpath();printf("n Query completed n");break;
 printf(" Thanks for using! ");
2. [ file ] shortest_path.h ~ 430B      download (2)     
struct stspot{//The apex of the attraction
 char name[11];//No more than 10
 char intro[20];//No more than 20
struct stmap{// The whole Undirected network
 stspot spot[20];//Dot, scenic spot vector
 int pathmatrix[20][20];//Edge, the adjacency matrix of paths
 int spotnum;
 int pathnum;
struct stspath//Find the shortest path when the array of attractions
 stspath * pior;
 int in;// can be boolen
 int length;

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