C++ implements an example of reading a configuration file to memory line by line

  • 2020-04-02 02:22:11
  • OfStack

Do not parse the configuration content, just read the file content, cut out the comments and Spaces before writing cache: vector < The string > In the. For other methods.
The code was written while making an MFC widget.

ReadProtocol. H

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#define MAX_FILEPATH 512
#define COMMENT_FLG '#'
#define SECTION_END_FLG  ']'
class ReadProtocol {
 ReadProtocol(char* FilePath);
 char* GetErrInfo(char* errMsg, int errNo = 0);
 int ReadIniFile();
 int GetOneSection(string Section, list<string> &Protocol);

 void PushBackToVector(string oneLine);

 char m_IniFile[MAX_FILEPATH];
 string m_ErrPos;
 map<string, unsigned int> m_SectionMap;
 vector<string> m_StrVect;

ReadProtocol. CPP

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "ReadProtocol.h"
//Remove Spaces at the beginning and end of a string
static string strTrim(string aStr)
    string s = aStr;
    unsigned int first, last;
    if (string::npos != (first = s.find_first_not_of(' ') ))
        s = s.substr(first, s.length()-first);
    if (string::npos != (last = s.find_last_not_of(' ') ))
        s = s.substr(0, last+1);
    return s;
ReadProtocol::ReadProtocol(char* FilePath)
 int iLen = (strlen(FilePath) > MAX_FILEPATH) ? MAX_FILEPATH : strlen(FilePath);
 memset(m_IniFile, 0, MAX_FILEPATH);
 memcpy(m_IniFile, FilePath, iLen);
int ReadProtocol::GetOneSection(string Section, list<string> &Protocol)
 unsigned int Start = 0;
 //Note that the [] operator cannot be used here
 map<string, unsigned int>::iterator itr = m_SectionMap.find(Section);
 if (m_SectionMap.end() == itr)
  m_ErrPos = Section;
  return -5;   // Unknown Section!!
  Start = itr->second;

 vector<string>::iterator it = m_StrVect.begin() + Start + 1;
 for (; it!=m_StrVect.end(); ++it)
  unsigned int First, Last;
  First = it->find_first_of ( SECTION_BEGIN_FLG );
  Last = it->find_last_of ( SECTION_END_FLG );
  // stop when the next Section 
  if( string::npos != First && string::npos != Last)

 return (int)Protocol.size();
int ReadProtocol::ReadIniFile()
 ifstream fin(m_IniFile);
 if (!fin.is_open())
  return -1; //can'topen file
 string strLine;
 unsigned int Last;
 while (std::getline(fin, strLine).good())
  if ( string::npos !=(Last = strLine.find_last_not_of('r') ))
   //delete r
   strLine = strLine.substr(0, Last + 1);
 if (m_StrVect.empty())
  return -2; //get noting from file
 return 0;
void ReadProtocol::PushBackToVector(string oneLine)
 unsigned int uPos;
 //Remove end-of-line comments
 if ( string::npos != (uPos = oneLine.find_first_of( COMMENT_FLG ) ) )
  oneLine = oneLine.substr(0, uPos + 1);
 //Go to Spaces
 oneLine = strTrim(oneLine);
 if (oneLine.empty() || oneLine.length() < 2) return;
 //There can be only one record in a row
 unsigned int First, Last;
 First = oneLine.find_first_of(SECTION_BEGIN_FLG);
 Last = oneLine.find_last_of(SECTION_END_FLG);
 // is Section
 if( string::npos != First && string::npos != Last)
  m_SectionMap[ oneLine.substr(First + 1, Last - First - 1) ] = m_StrVect.size();
char* ReadProtocol::GetErrInfo(char* errMsg, int errNo)
 string errInfo;
 switch (errNo)
 case 0:
   errInfo = "Success!";
 case -1:
   char Path[1024] = {0};
   int pLength = 1024;
   GetCurrentDirectory(pLength, Path);
   errInfo.append("Can't open file. The file name is:==>"");
   errInfo.append( m_IniFile);
   errInfo.append(""rnMaybe no such file in Path:");
 case -2:
   errInfo = "Get noting from file: ";
 case -3:
   errInfo = "Analyze file failed. In ==> ";
 case -5:
   errInfo = "rnUnknown Section!! ==> "[";
   errInfo.append("]"rn Check the configuration file for omissions. ");
   errInfo = " Please follow the correct steps ";
 memcpy(errMsg, errInfo.c_str(), errInfo.length());
 return errMsg;

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