C language variable parameter implementation example

  • 2020-04-02 02:20:01
  • OfStack

This code shows you how not to use it < Stdarg. H > Va_list, va_start, va_end macros to implement custom variable parameters and how to change the default %d, %f, %s format characters.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // itoa() and ltoa()
#include <string.h> // strcat() and strlen()
// echo("$i, $s, $l, $c", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
// $i -- int, $s -- string, $l -- long, $c -- char
void echo(char *fmt, ...)
    int i, fmtlen = strlen(fmt);
    int *args = (int *)((char *)(&fmt) +sizeof(char *));
    char cbuff[BUFSIZ] = {'0'}, nbuff[BUFSIZ] = {'0'}; // #define BUFSIZ 512 in <stdio.h>
    for (i = 0; i < fmtlen; i++)
        if (('$' == fmt[i]) && ((i + 1) < fmtlen))
            switch (fmt[i + 1])
            case 's': strcat(cbuff, (char *)(*args));
            case 'c': cbuff[strlen(cbuff)] = (char)(*args);
            case 'i': itoa(*args, nbuff, 10); strcat(cbuff, nbuff);
            case 'l': ltoa((long)(*args), nbuff, 10); strcat(cbuff, nbuff);
            default: break;
            ++args, ++i;
            cbuff[strlen(cbuff)] = fmt[i];
    cbuff[strlen(cbuff) + 1] = '0';
    fputs(cbuff, stdout);
int main()
    echo("arg_list = $i, $s, $l, $c", 2, "hello", 8, 'a'); // Si -- %d, $s -- %s, $l -- %ld, $c -- %c
    return 0;

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