Use the opencv stretch image to expand the resolution sample

  • 2020-04-02 02:19:46
  • OfStack

Using OPENCV image processing library, stretch the image to expand the resolution

//Zoom image file
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;
//Hide console window
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:"windows" /entry:"mainCRTStartup"")
int main()
 const char *pstrImageName = "airplane.jpg";
 const char *pstrSaveImageName = "airplane Scaling figure .jpg";
 const char *pstrWindowsSrcTitle = " The original image ";
 const char *pstrWindowsDstTitle = " Scaling figure ";

 double fScale = 2;//Zoom multiples
 CvSize czSize; //Target image size

 //Reading an image from a file & NBSP;
 IplImage *pSrcImage = cvLoadImage(pstrImageName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
 IplImage *pDstImage = NULL; 

 //Calculate the target image size
 czSize.width = pSrcImage->width * fScale;
 czSize.height = pSrcImage->height * fScale;

 //Create the image and scale it
 pDstImage = cvCreateImage(czSize, pSrcImage->depth, pSrcImage->nChannels);
 cvResize(pSrcImage, pDstImage, CV_INTER_AREA);
 //Create a window
 cvNamedWindow(pstrWindowsSrcTitle, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
 cvNamedWindow(pstrWindowsDstTitle, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

 //Displays an image in the specified window
 cvShowImage(pstrWindowsSrcTitle, pSrcImage);
 cvShowImage(pstrWindowsDstTitle, pDstImage);

 //Waiting for key events

 //Save the picture
 cvSaveImage(pstrSaveImageName, pDstImage);

 return 0;

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