Application manipulation NorFlash sample code share of NorFlash interface using methods

  • 2020-04-02 02:05:48
  • OfStack

int dealwithnor()
//    glob_t mtdbuf;
    struct mtd_info_user mtd;
    struct erase_info_user erase;
    int blocks = 0;
    int i = 0;  //Controls the number of blocks erased
    int k = 0;
    int written = 0;  //Number of bytes written, initialized only once
    unsigned int size = StateOfImage.st_size;  //Should be the actual size of the mirror, because the contents of the memory space larger than the mirror are unpredictable
    unsigned int result = 0;
    unsigned int DevNum = 0;    //Number of equipment
    unsigned int StartDev = 0;  //Erase from startDev
    char DevName[20] = {0};
    unsigned int AllSize = 0;
    #define MAXPARTITIONS 40
    struct DeviceInfo
        int fd;
        char dir[20];
        uint32_t size;     // Total size of the MTD
        uint32_t erasesize;

    }DevInfo[MAXPARTITIONS];//Used to store device information
    bzero(DevInfo, sizeof(struct DeviceInfo));

//    if(searchmtd(&mtdbuf) != 0){
//        DEBUG("Sorry! Can not find mtd devicen");
//        return 1;   // Returns a number greater than zero, indicating that the upgrade failed 
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        int fd;
//        DEBUG("find %d mtd devices n",mtdbuf.gl_pathc);
//        DevNum = mtdbuf.gl_pathc;
//        for(i=0; i<DevNum; i++)
//        {
//            fd = safeOpen (mtdbuf.gl_pathv[i],O_SYNC | O_RDWR);
//            if(fd < 0)
//            {
//                printf("failt to openn");
//                return 1;
//            }
//            bzero(&mtd, sizeof(struct mtd_info_user));
//            if (ioctl(fd, MEMGETINFO,&mtd) < 0)
//            {
//                DEBUG("ioctl(): %mn");
//                DEBUG("This doesn't seem to be a valid MTD flash device!n");
//                return 1;
//            }
//            strcpy(DevInfo[i].dir, mtdbuf.gl_pathv[i]);
//            DevInfo[i].fd = fd;
//            DevInfo[i].size = mtd.size;
//            DevInfo[i].erasesize = mtd.erasesize;
//        }
//        globfree(&mtdbuf);
//        for(i=0; i<DevNum; i++)
//        {
//            printf("ntinfo of %sn",DevInfo[i].dir);
//            printf("%s.fd:            %dn",DevInfo[i].dir, DevInfo[i].fd);
//            printf("%s.size:          %dn",DevInfo[i].dir,DevInfo[i].size);
//            printf("%s.erasesize:     %dn",DevInfo[i].dir,DevInfo[i].erasesize);
//        }
//    }

    for(i=0; i<MAXPARTITIONS; i++)
        int fd;
        sprintf(DevName, "%s%d", "/dev/mtd",i);
        if((fd = open (DevName,O_SYNC | O_RDWR)) > 0)
            bzero(&mtd, sizeof(struct mtd_info_user));
            if (ioctl(fd, MEMGETINFO,&mtd) < 0)
                DEBUG("ioctl(): %mn");
                DEBUG("This doesn't seem to be a valid MTD flash device!n");
                return 1;
            strcpy(DevInfo[i].dir, DevName);
            DevInfo[i].fd = fd;
            DevInfo[i].size = mtd.size;
            DevInfo[i].erasesize = mtd.erasesize;
            DevNum = i;

    for(i=0; i<DevNum; i++)
        printf("ntinfo of %sn",DevInfo[i].dir);
        printf("%s.fd:            %dn",DevInfo[i].dir, DevInfo[i].fd);
        printf("%s.size:          %dn",DevInfo[i].dir,DevInfo[i].size);
        printf("%s.erasesize:     %dn",DevInfo[i].dir,DevInfo[i].erasesize);
        AllSize += DevInfo[i].size;
    if(AllSize < StateOfImage.st_size)
        DEBUG("ERROR!! all device size is less than ImageSizen");
        return 1;

    for(i=StartDev; i<DevNum; i++)
        int j = 0;
        g_AllImgSize = DevInfo[i].size;
        g_AllImgWrite = 0;
        erase.start = 0; 
        blocks = DevInfo[i].size / mtd.erasesize;  //Count the number of blocks to erase
        erase.length = mtd.erasesize;
        printf ("nbegin to erase block %sn", DevInfo[i].dir);
        for (j= 1; j <= blocks; j++)
            fprintf(stderr, "rErasing blocks: %d/%d (%d%%)", j, blocks, (int)PERCENTAGE (j, blocks));
            g_percentage = 100 * ((float)g_AllImgWrite / g_AllImgSize);
              if (ioctl(DevInfo[i].fd, MEMERASE, &erase) < 0)
                DEBUG("While erasing blocks 0x%.8x-0x%.8x on %sn",
                (unsigned int) erase.start, (unsigned int) (erase.start + erase.length), DevInfo[i].dir);
                return 1;
            g_AllImgWrite += erase.length;
            erase.start += mtd.erasesize;
        printf("nrErased blocks: %d/%d (100%%)n", blocks, blocks); 
        printf ("nbegin to write block %snn", DevInfo[i].dir);
        g_AllImgWrite = 0;
        k = BUFSIZE;
        while (size)
            if (size < BUFSIZE)
                k = size;
            printf("r%s usage: %dk/%dk (%d%%)n",
            DevInfo[i].dir, KB (g_AllImgWrite + k), KB (DevInfo[i].size), (int)PERCENTAGE (g_AllImgWrite + k, DevInfo[i].size)); 
            fprintf(stderr, "Writing data: %dk/%ldk (%d%%)", KB (written + k), KB (StateOfImage.st_size), (int)PERCENTAGE (written + k, StateOfImage.st_size));
            result = write(DevInfo[i].fd, &upPack[written], k);
            if (k != result)
                DEBUG ("n");
                if (result < 0)
                    DEBUG("While writing data to 0x%.8x-0x%.8x on %sn", written, written + k, DevInfo[i].dir);
                      return 1;
                DEBUG("Short write count returned while writing to x%.8x-0x%.8x on %s: %d/%d bytes written to flashn", 
                        written,written + k, DevInfo[i].dir, written + result, DevInfo[i].size);
                return 1;
            written += k;
            size -= k;

             g_AllImgWrite += k;
            if(g_AllImgWrite >= DevInfo[i].size)
                g_AllImgWrite = 0;

        printf("Wrote %d / %ldk bytesn", written, (unsigned long int)(StateOfImage.st_size));        

    munmap(upPack, UPGRADE_SHM_SIZE);
    for(i=0; i<DevNum; i++)
        close (DevInfo[i].fd);
        printf("%s is closed!n",DevInfo[i].dir);
    return 0;

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