K means algorithm c++ language implementation code

  • 2020-04-02 01:55:46
  • OfStack

 #ifndef KMEAN_HEAD
 #define KMEAN_HEAD

 #include <vector>
 #include <map>

 //The definition of a point in space
 class Node
        double pos_x;
        double pos_y;
        double pos_z;
          pos_x = 0.0;
          pos_y = 0.0;
          pos_z = 0.0;
      Node(double x,double y,double z)
          pos_x = x;
          pos_y = y;
          pos_z = z;
       friend bool operator < (const Node& first,const Node& second)
          //Comparison of the X-axis
          if(first.pos_x < second.pos_x)
             return true;
        else if (first.pos_x > second.pos_x)
              return false;
         //Compare the Y-axis
        if(first.pos_y < second.pos_y)
                 return true;
             else if (first.pos_y > second.pos_y)
                return false;
             //Comparison of the z axis
             if(first.pos_z < second.pos_z)
                     return true;
                 else if (first.pos_z >=  second.pos_z)
                    return false;
       friend bool operator == (const Node& first,const Node& second)
             if(first.pos_x == second.pos_x && first.pos_y == second.pos_y && first.pos_z == second.pos_z)
                 return true;
                 return false;
 class KMean
     int cluster_num;//Number of clusters generated.
     std:: vector<Node> mean_nodes;//The mean point
     std:: vector<Node> data;//All the data points
     std:: map <int , std:: vector<Node> > cluster;//Cluster,key is the subscript of the cluster, and value is all points in the cluster

     void Init();//Initialize the function (generate the representation immediately)
     void ClusterProcess();//In the clustering process, the points in the space are divided into different clusters
     Node GetMean(int cluster_index);//Generate the mean
     void NewCluster();//Identify the new cluster procedure, which calls the ClusterProcess function.
     double Kdistance(Node active,Node other);//Judge the distance between the two points
     KMean(int c_num,std:: vector<Node> node_vector);
     void Star();//Start the k-means algorithm
#endif // KMEAN_HEAD

The same code at the page code block index 0

 #include "k-mean.h"
 #include <vector>
 #include <map>
 #include <ctime>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 #define MAXDISTANCE 1000000

 KMean::KMean(int c_num,vector<Node> node_vector)
       cluster_num = c_num;
       data = node_vector;
 void KMean::Init()//Initialize the function (generate the representation immediately)
      for(int i =0 ;i<cluster_num;)
            int pos = rand() % data.size();
            bool insert_flag = true;
            //First determine if the selected point is a center point
            for(unsigned int j = 0;j<mean_nodes.size();j++)
                if(mean_nodes[j] ==  data[i])
                    insert_flag = false;
            if(insert_flag )
      ClusterProcess();//Carry out the clustering process
  void KMean::ClusterProcess()//In the clustering process, the points in the space are divided into different clusters
             //It traverses all the points in space
             for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < data.size();i++)
                  //Ignore center
                 bool continue_flag = false;
                 for(unsigned int j = 0;j<mean_nodes.size();j++)
                         if(mean_nodes[j] ==  data[i])
                                 continue_flag = true;
                  //Here is the clustering process
                  //First, find the center closest to the current point and record the cluster where the center is located
                  int min_kdistance = MAXDISTANCE;
                  int index = 0 ;
                  for(unsigned int j = 0;j < mean_nodes.size();j++)
                      double dis = Kdistance(data[i],mean_nodes[j]);
                      if(dis < min_kdistance)
                          min_kdistance = dis;
                          index = j;
                   //Delete the current point from the original cluster
                   map<int,vector<Node> >::iterator iter;
         //Search for all clusters
                   for(iter = cluster.begin();iter != cluster.end();++iter)
                vector<Node>::iterator node_iter;
                      bool jump_flag = false;
                      //Search for vectors in each cluster
                      for(node_iter = iter->second.begin();node_iter != iter->second.end();node_iter++)
                   if(*node_iter == data[i])
                             //If the current point is in the updated cluster, the next operation is ignored
                       if(index == iter->first)
                           continue_flag = true;
                       jump_flag = true;
                   //Inserts the current point into the cluster corresponding to the central point
                   //See if the center point is already in the map
                  bool insert_flag = true;
                  for(iter = cluster.begin(); iter != cluster.end();++iter)
                     if(iter->first == index)
                          insert_flag = false;
                  //Creates a new element object if it does not exist
                      vector<Node> cluster_node_vector;

  double KMean::Kdistance(Node active,Node other)
         return sqrt(pow((active.pos_x-other.pos_x),2) + pow((active.pos_y - other.pos_y),2) + pow((active.pos_z - other.pos_z),2));

  Node KMean::GetMean(int cluster_index)
      //Pass in a parameter to see if it has crossed the line
      if( cluster_num <0 || unsigned (cluster_index) >= mean_nodes.size() )
          Node new_node;
          new_node.pos_x = -1.0;
          new_node.pos_y = -1.0;
          new_node.pos_z = -1.0;
          return new_node;
      //Find the mean of all the points in the cluster
      Node sum_node;
      Node aver_node;
        for(int j = 0;j < cluster[cluster_index].size();j++)
           sum_node.pos_x += cluster[cluster_index].at(j).pos_x;
            sum_node.pos_y += cluster[cluster_index].at(j).pos_y;
           sum_node.pos_z += cluster[cluster_index].at(j).pos_z;
         aver_node.pos_x = sum_node.pos_x*1.0/ cluster[cluster_index].size();
         aver_node.pos_y = sum_node.pos_y*1.0 / cluster[cluster_index].size();
         aver_node.pos_z = sum_node.pos_z*1.0 / cluster[cluster_index].size();
       //Find the closest point to the mean
      double min_dis = MAXDISTANCE;
      Node new_mean_doc;
      for(unsigned int i  = 0;i< cluster[cluster_index].size();i++)
            double dis = Kdistance(aver_node,cluster[cluster_index].at(i));
            if(min_dis > dis)
                  min_dis = dis;
                  new_mean_doc = cluster[cluster_index].at(i);
      return new_mean_doc;

  void KMean::NewCluster()//Identify the new center point
       for (unsigned int i = 0;i < mean_nodes.size();i++)
            Node new_node =GetMean(i);
            mean_nodes[i] = new_node;

 void KMean::Star()
     for (int i = 0;i<100;i++)
         cout << "no:"<< i<<endl;
         for(int j = 0;j < mean_nodes.size();j++)
         cout << cluster[j].size()<<endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "k-mean.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
     srand((int) time(0));
     vector<Node> data;
     for(int i =0;i<100;i++)
          Node node;
          node.pos_x = (random() % 17 )*1.2;
          node.pos_y = (random() % 19 )*1.2;
          node.pos_z = (random() % 21) *1.2;
     KMean kmean(3,data);
     return 0;

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