C language stack sequence structure implementation code

  • 2020-04-02 01:55:29
  • OfStack

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef struct Point2D
    int x;
    int y;
}ElemType;      //Stack element structure
typedef struct
    ElemType *btm;      //The bottom of the stack
    ElemType *top;      //To the top of the stack
    int height;         //The stack is high
    int size;           //Total size of the stack
}ArrStack;      //The stack structure
//Stack method declaration
ArrStack *CreateStack( int nSize );             /// create a stack of size nSize
void DestroyStack( ArrStack *pStack );          /// destroy stack pStack
void ClearStack( ArrStack *pStack );            /// empty the elements in the stack pStack
int GetHeight( ArrStack *pStack );              //Gets the height of the stack pStack
int GetSize( ArrStack *pStack );                //Gets the total capacity of stack pStack
int IsEmpty( ArrStack *pStack );                /// checks if stack pStack is empty
int Push( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt );     /// pushes element pt onto pStack
int Pop( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt );      /// will To the top of the stack Elements are pushed to  pt
int GetTop( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt );   /// To obtain To the top of the stack Elements to  pt
void ForEachStack( ArrStack *pStack, void (*func)(ElemType *pt) );      /// from The bottom of the stack to To the top of the stack Each element of  func  function 
void ReForEachStack( ArrStack *pStack, void (*func)(ElemType *pt) );    /// from To the top of the stack to The bottom of the stack Each element of  func  function 

//Stack method implementation

ArrStack *CreateStack( int nSize )
    // According to the The stack structure Create a stack 
    ArrStack *pStack = (ArrStack *)malloc( sizeof(ArrStack) );
    //Application stack initial space
    pStack->btm = (ElemType *)calloc( nSize, sizeof(ElemType) );
    // make To the top of the stack Point to the The bottom of the stack The element 
    pStack->top = &pStack->btm[0];
    // Initialize the The stack is high Degree of  0
    pStack->height = 0;
    //Initialize the stack size to the initial size
    pStack->size = nSize;
    return pStack;

void DestroyStack( ArrStack *pStack )
    //Release the stack elements
    free( pStack->btm );
    //The release of the stack
    free( pStack );

void ClearStack( ArrStack *pStack )
    // make To the top of the stack Point to the The bottom of the stack
    pStack->top = &pStack->btm[0];
    // will The stack is high Degree to  0
    pStack->height = 0;

int GetHeight( ArrStack *pStack )
    return pStack->height;

int GetSize( ArrStack *pStack )
    return pStack->size;

int IsEmpty( ArrStack *pStack )
    return pStack->height == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;

int Push( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt )
    /// check if capacity expansion is needed
    if( pStack->height == pStack->size )
    {   //Need to increase
        //Reapply stack space twice the original stack size
        ElemType *pe = (ElemType *)calloc( pStack->size * 2, sizeof(ElemType) );
        //Copy the old stack contents to the new stack contents
        memcpy( pe, pStack->btm, pStack->size * sizeof(ElemType) );
        //Resets the total stack capacity
        pStack->size = pStack->size * 2;
        //Free up the old stack space
        free( pStack->btm );
        // will The bottom of the stack Points to the newly created stack space 
        pStack->btm = pe;
        //To the top of the stack Points to the last element of the new stack 
        pStack->top = &pe[pStack->height-1];
    //Push the new element onto the stack
    pStack->btm[pStack->height].x = pt->x;
    pStack->btm[pStack->height].y = pt->y;
    //The stack is high Degrees from one 
    //To the top of the stack Points to the latest stack element 
    pStack->top = &pStack->btm[pStack->height-1];
    return pStack->height;

int Pop( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt )
    /// empty stack
    if( pStack->height == 0 )
        return -1;
    // will To the top of the stack Element to  pt
    pt->x = pStack->top->x;
    pt->y = pStack->top->y;
    //The stack is high C minus one 
    //To the top of the stack Point to the To the top of the stack The previous element of the element 
    pStack->top = &pStack->btm[pStack->height-1];
    return pStack->height;

int GetTop( ArrStack *pStack, ElemType *pt )
    pt->x = pStack->top->x;
    pt->y = pStack->top->y;
    return pStack->height;

void ForEachStack( ArrStack *pStack, void (*func)(ElemType *pt) )
    int i = 0;
    for( i = 0; i <  pStack->height; ++i )
        func( &pStack->btm[i] );

void ReForEachStack( ArrStack *pStack, void (*func)(ElemType *pt) )
    int i = pStack->height - 1;
    for( i; i >= 0; --i )
        func( &pStack->btm[i] );
void display( ElemType *pt )
    printf( "(%d,%d) ", pt->x, pt->y );
int main()
    ///test Create the initial size of  5  The stack 
    ArrStack *psk = CreateStack( 5 );
    ///test IsEmpty , GetSize , GetHeight
    if( IsEmpty(psk) == TRUE )
        printf( "Stack Size=%d, Stack Height=%dn", GetSize(psk), GetHeight(psk) );
    ElemType pt;
    int i = 0;
    ///testPush,  Push into the stack 8 An element 
    printf( "n Push into the stack 8 After one element :n" );
    for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
        pt.x = pt.y = i;
        Push( psk, &pt );
    //Output the stack state after pressing 8 elements
    printf( "Is empty = %dn", IsEmpty(psk) );
    printf( "Stack size = %dn", GetSize(psk) );
    printf( "Stack height = %dn", GetHeight(psk) );
    ///test ForEachStack , ReForEachStack
    printf( "ntest ForEachStack , ReForEachStack:n" );
    ForEachStack( psk, display );
    ReForEachStack( psk, display );
    GetTop( psk, &pt );
    printf( "nTo the top of the stack Elements for : (%d,%d)n", pt.x, pt.y );
    ///test Pop
    Pop( psk, &pt );
    printf( "nPop The element that pops up is (%d,%d),  After the popup The stack is high:%dn", pt.x, pt.y, GetHeight(psk) );
    Pop( psk, &pt );
    printf( "nPop The element that pops up is (%d,%d),  After the popup The stack is high:%dn", pt.x, pt.y, GetHeight(psk) );
    pt.x = pt.y = 100;
    Push( psk, &pt );
    printf( "nPop The element pressed in is zero (%d,%d),  After the pressure into the The stack is high:%dn", pt.x, pt.y, GetHeight(psk) );
    //Perform a full stack operation
    printf( "n Perform a full stack push :n" );
    int n = GetHeight(psk);
    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
        Pop( psk, &pt );
        printf( "Pop The element that pops up is (%d,%d),  After the popup The stack is high:%dn", pt.x, pt.y, GetHeight(psk) );
    /// destruction of stack
    DestroyStack( psk );
    return 0;

Test results:

< img border = 0 SRC = "/ / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201310/20131029151656645.jpg" >

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