Use of colon of: and double colon of :: in c++

  • 2020-04-02 01:11:41
  • OfStack

(1) the definition of bit domain in the mechanism (that is, the variable occupies several bit Spaces)

typedef struct _XXX{
          unsigned char a:4;
          unsigned char c;
} ; XXX

(2) the colon after the constructor plays the role of segmentation, which is a method for the class to assign values to the member variables, initializes the list, and is more suitable for the constant const type of the member variables.

struct _XXX{
          _XXX() : y(0xc0) {}

(3) the colon after public: and private: indicates that all members defined later are public or private until the next "public: "or "private:" appears. Private :" is the default.
(4) after the colon of the class name is used to define the inheritance of the class.

class  Derived class name  :  Inheritance way   The base class name 
     A member of a derived class 

Public, private, and protected. The default is public.
2. Double colon (::) usage
(1) represents "domain operator"
Example: declared A class A, class A declared A member function void f(), but did not give the definition of f in the declaration of the class, so the definition of f outside the class,
I'm going to write void A::f(), which means that f() is A member of class A.

(2) directly used in front of the global function, the expression is a global function
Example: in VC, you can call the API function in the API function, before the name of the API function: :

(3) refers to the reference member function and variable, scope member operator
Example: System::Math::Sqrt() is equivalent to system.math.sqrt ()

VC in the following
:: is the scope decomposition operator in C++. For example, if A class A is declared and A member function voidf() is declared in class A, but the definition of f is not given in the declaration of the class, then when f is defined outside the class, it should be written as voidA::f(), indicating that this f() function is A member function of class A.

:: there is a general use, is directly used in front of the global function, the expression is a global function. When a member function of a class has the same name as a global function outside the class, when defined in the class, the member function is called by default. If you want to call a global function with the same name, you must type :: to distinguish it. For example, in VC, you can call API function, before the API function name:.

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